CATHOLIC SHOES: Wear ‘Em With Pride

CATHOLIC SHOES: Wear ‘Em With Pride March 21, 2015

You can always recognize the Catholic women on Ash Wednesday, sure enough. They’re the ones going around with Big Black Smudges on their foreheads.

But here’s a little tip to help you spot a Catholic in the crowd the rest of the year: Look at her shoes.

I’m not much of a fashion plate. Oh, my closet is full, sure enough—but that’s because I HATE to shop and so I save EVERYTHING. That sweater from 10 years ago? Who knows when I’ll have a new suit, and I’ll need a turquoise shell again. The belt that’s a bit too snug? Well, when I find time to work out and I lose weight, I’ll wear it for sure!

But shoes? Well, who doesn’t love shoes?!

The problem that I have, though, is that all of my shoes are CATHOLIC shoes. You know the ones: They may be dress pumps or loafers or ballerina flats or platforms; but all of my shoes share one characteristic: scuffed, worn toes.

My friends in other denominations don’t share this malady. In their worship, they sit or stand, wave their arms, close their eyes; but they don’t kneel. Catholics, on the other hand, kneel all the time—when they genuflect on entering a pew, when they pray for a few minutes before Mass begins, during the Consecration…. There’s something about having Jesus right there, looking back at you, that drives you to your knees.

And hence, the toes. If I were more responsible in my posture, I’d bend my ankles a little tighter, turn my toes out and avoid plopping them right, smack flat onto the floor when using the kneeler. I never think of it, though—and so, two weeks after purchase, those shiny designer shoes are irreparable. I’ll wear them for another two years, but they’ll always look beat-up and old.

That’s not such a bad thing, though. At least, it seems to me that a little time on my knees, before the Creator of the Universe, is not too big a deal.

Lent is a good time to check your toes. Do you have Catholic shoes?

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