Hekate and Samhain

Hekate and Samhain October 15, 2018

Hekate stands at the gate between worlds on Samhain, beckoning us forward into the mysteries of witchcraft, necromancy and the final harvest.  As our queen, she holds the keys to these mysteries that can be revealed during the Witches’ New Year.

Hekate, Queen of Witches,
Keeper of the keys of creation,
Guardian at the gates of death.
Beckons me cross the threshold,
Heed I her request.
Through will and poison,
Blood, bone and flesh,
Through this veil I pass,
Following my spectral quest.
On this night between times,
And on this broom I ride,
Revealing the mysteries,
Of what’s been denied.
Truth found once again,
On this night of Samhain. 

If there ever was a goddess that should be front and center at Samhain, it’s Hekate. Queen of Witches, governing over herbal witchery, poison making, necromancy, animal spirit magick and more, it seems like she should reign supreme over October 31. The costumes of Halloween from ghosts to vampires (she is known for blood drinking) to her favored witches. Regarding the ancestral rituals and psychopompery of Samhain witchery, she is very much a mediator between this world and the afterlife.

In the Modern Hekatean Witchcraft Wheel of the Year, November 1 is for honoring the past, notably the dead, leaving October 31 for a celebration of witchery and perhaps for the final harvest. The actual dates don’t matter so much, but the three major roles of Hekate suited for this sabbat can all be included in our practices and rituals.

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About Cyndi
Cyndi Brannen is a witch and spiritual teacher, a trained energetic healer, psychic and herbalist. Merging together her training in shamanism, Tarot, past life work, meditation and psychology, she teaches and writes about better living through witchcraft. Keeping Her Keys: An Introduction to Hekate’s Modern Witchcraft explores Hekate from her ancient origins to modern understanding through magic and personal development is available now for pre-order from Moon Books. True Magic: Unleashing Your Inner Witch uses the magic of the elements and the three realms to activate your true witch powers and will be available later in 2019 from Moon as well. Connect with her on Facebook or at keepingherkeys.com to learn more about her teaching and writing. Cyndi lives in rural coastal Nova Scotia with her two sons where she can often be found wandering the cliffs or wild foraging plants. She lives what she teaches: fierce love, emotional courage and true magic. You can read more about the author here.

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