Leaning Into Hekate’s Crossroads During Difficult Times

Leaning Into Hekate’s Crossroads During Difficult Times May 20, 2020
These are difficult days in which we find ourselves. It is now more important than ever to lean into what is true to you. The awakening on the societal level is well underway now. Hekate abides at these pivotal crossroads, both in our personal lives and those of the planet.
Crossroads moments such as the one presented by COVID-19 offers us a choice. Hekate as the Goddess of the Crossroads abides, offering keys of wisdom to help us choose the best path.
If we are able to lean into these crossroads, we are offered the keys for navigating the way by the Goddess of the Crossroads. Our actions matter not only in our own lives, but also for the future of this planet. From great acts of rectification and resistance, of cosmic shifts in our consciousness to the creation of a sacred incantation bowl, these are the methods necessary for navigating these days in which we find ourselves.

The Key, The Flame, The Wheel and The Bowl

I’m asking you to indulge me for a moment with a walk back in time. As many stories begin, so does this tale. Once upon a time there was a woman who had worked very hard to hide what she knew to be true in her heart. This was because she knew the sting of rejection when she spoke of her truth. Unsurprisingly, she kept her ways secret for even those closest to her. She knew of Hekate’s Wheel, of the crossroads, of the sacred fire within and of the keys of magick, medicine and mystery. She often stood before her little bowls, speaking spells into them through her incantations.

The Power of Leaning Into Hekate’s Crossroads

These were times of immense upheaval in her life, and there were moments when, instead of leaning in, she sprinted in the opposite direction. Still, she always came back to the crossroads of her Goddess where the keys are found and the soul-flame burns bright. Eventually, the cost of denying her truth became one that she was unwilling to continue paying. She leaned into Hekate’s Road.

The Rectification: Returning to the Crossroads

You may have already been deep within your personal return to the crossroads when the world found itself at one. Rectifying the call by The Mother to come back to what you’ve always known during a global crisis is not for the weak willed. But, then we never have been, have we?
Every day is a new crossroads within the larger crossroads. We are connected to the crossroads of others, and to the societal one. Consider these crossroads as all parts of Hekate’s Great Wheel of Time.
We have our personal wheel as well, bonded to her Great Wheel. We are part of the requirements of this wheel. Our journeys fuel the greater wheel as it nourishes us. As those who are wild of soul and magical in nature, our role in the Great Wheel is more vital now that ever. Should we succumb to the fear mongering and false prophets of the moment, then we fail in our sacred task of strengthening this Great Wheel by walking in our truth.

The Key, The Flame, The Wheel

What is imperative is that we lean in harder to this truth within us. This is the key, the flame and the wheel. It is the moonbeams basked in for revitalization. It is the velvet embrace of the darkest night. We experience it as the frisson felt when we stand barefoot on the earth. For us, there is knowing that cannot be cajoled into words, it is a resonance so deep within that it can only be understood once beheld. Lean into this. Then lean harder.

The Call To Lean In Harder

This is the key of this moment of transition. What do I mean by, “lean in harder?” This is a most legitimate question. The act of leaning in is to radically accept whatever we have been presented with. The acceptance of the past and present is the key to creating a better future. It is so simple to say, yet so very challenging to accomplish.

The Lure of the Abyss

We go about claiming this key by choosing not to fall into the abyss of fear. Don’t think of this abyss as some giant black sinkhole that exists far from your own road. No, it is a thousand potholes along our journey, each one luring us with the toxic spiral of fear. Our shadow selves get restless when we approach such a pothole, no matter how well controlled we keep them. This crisis is such a pothole that threatens to suck us in.

Tending The Sacred Soul-Fire

Yet within us burns the sacred soul fire that is seen in the torches of the Goddess. This is the illuminating flame, the light in the darkness that keeps us from falling into these potholes. We must tend to this flame now more than ever through daily practices of reconnection to the sacred flame. A candle lit to usher in a few moments of contemplation. A crystal grid established, and then well tended, to send healing. A ritual to honor the Goddess. Our teary cries when we call upon her help. These are all ways we kindle the sacred fire.
The essence of this fire is trust, in our Goddess and in ourselves. This is the time to turn towards our intuition more than ever. To sit with our cards and stones, allowing them to awaken us to what we already know, yet sometimes can’t perceive. Lean in harder to this. It will see you, and all of us, through.

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Stay true. Rise strong. Keep your own keys.

Deep Blessings,



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Keeping Her Keys: An Introduction to Hekate’s Modern Witchcraft offers 13 lessons in sovereign witchcraft.
About Cyndi Brannen
Cyndi Brannen, PhD, teaches and writes from the crossroads of psychology, spirituality and traditional wisdom. Founder of the Keeping Her Keys system of spiritual witchcraft, she shares the keys of The Sacred Seven laws using practical methods ranging from journaling to journeying. Keeping Her Keys: An Introduction to Hekate’s Modern Witchcraft explores Hekate from her ancient origins to our modern understanding through magic and personal development. True Magic: Unleashing Your Inner Witch, based on the sacred seven principles of witchcraft, is a practical guide to better living through witchcraft. Read Dr. Brannen's journey from shattered to whole, and the courses she offers at keepingherkeys.com. Join the Keeping Her Keys Modern Online Coven Network at keepingherkeys.mn.co You can read more about the author here.

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