INNER CIRCLE: You Do Not Ask January 19, 2024

IMAGE: Keith Giles [MidJourney]
Saying 92

Jesus said: “Seek, and you will find; but the things you asked me in those days and I did not tell you then, now I desire to tell them, but you do not ask about them.”


It’s curious that Jesus begins this saying with the statement: “seek and you will find” and ends with the observation: “but you do not ask about them.” He seems to be rebuking his disciples because they are no longer curious about those things they once “asked [him] about in those days” long ago. Perhaps it’s because, when they originally asked Jesus about those things, he “did not tell [them] then” what the answers were. So, because they gave up on their quest for wisdom a little too quickly, Jesus is expressing his disappointment with them.

What Jesus seems to expect from us is an ongoing process of questioning and continual hunger for wisdom. He wants us to keep knocking until we find the answers we’re looking for. In other words, Jesus wants us to be relentless in our pursuit of those hidden things that awaken us to the true reality of the universe.

If we give up too early, we might never find those answers we seek. At least, in this case, Jesus seems to be more eager to share the answers than his disciples were to ask the questions that they once wondered about “in those days” before.

The lesson for us, then, is to keep on seeking, keep on knocking, and to continually nurture our sense of wonder and curiosity. We should never stop asking and we should never lose our hunger for truth.


“The Creative Act” by Rick Rubin is a synergistic blend of philosophy, theology, mysticism, psychology and meditation that speaks to the human soul. We can’t wait to have these deeper conversations with everyone who reads this book and longs to tap into that creative divine spark within.

Led by Angie Von Slaughter and Keith Giles

DETAILS: Starts Feb. 10th, 2024, 13 Weeks – Saturday Zoom Sessions @2pm MST – Private FB Group


Keith Giles is the best-selling author of the Jesus Un series. He has appeared on CNN, USA Today, BuzzFeed, and John Fugelsang’s “Tell Me Everything.” He hosts the Second Cup with Keith podcast, and co-hosts the Apostates Anonymous podcast, and the Heretic Happy Hour Podcast.

His latest book, Second Cup with Keith is available now on Amazon HERE>


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