Easter Movies for the Whole Family

Easter Movies for the Whole Family March 21, 2018


Ben Hur (1959)

Opening with the birth of Christ, it ends with his crucifixion, changing the life of Judah ben Hur (Charlton Heston in the original), a wealthy Jew who had been falsely accused and imprisoned by the Romans and was now back in Jerusalem seeking revenge. This story of redemption continues to inspire, even leading to a 2016 remake (with Jack Huston). You can decide which version you prefer.


The Ten Commandments

Charlton Heston as Moses leads his people out of Egypt in this 1956 Hollywood epic. Why Easter? Of course, it does not refer to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, but it does tell the story of Passover, the major Jewish feast during which Jesus was killed. Typically a major TV network will air this on Palm Sunday night (March 25, 2018), so check your local listings. You can also buy your own DVD.

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