Why I Support ‘March for Our Lives’

Why I Support ‘March for Our Lives’ March 24, 2018

Their Conviction

Students march in Minneapolis. CC: Fibonacci Blue

Some folks scoff or glower at the idea that youth are leading the way towards a stronger national conversation on gun control: “They should learn better respect for authority.” Or, “They need to stay in their classrooms and learn instead of walking out.” Or, “They are just kids; they don’t understand the complexity of the issue.” I respectfully disagree. While some students will certainly fulfill those prophecies (there are immature idiots in every movement, adult and youth, as well as entitled kids and parents who snub their noses at any authority), the leaders of this particular movement have displayed a consistent message, a conviction in their principles, and the courage to make their voices heard. Thanks in large part to Twitter (this generation knows how to use social media), the Parkland students have inspired teens and adults all over the country to unite their voices.

America is hearing them. And we should.

We don’t have to agree with them. But we shouldn’t denigrate them for speaking out. In fact, we should applaud their passion and determination. Can you imagine the kinds of leaders they will become over the next two decades? They can’t vote yet, so they speak. They tweet. They organize protests. They have decided that this issue affects them deeply enough that they must do something. So they raise awareness the best way they know how.

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