Sneak Peek: the Cover of ‘Gritty and Graceful’ by Caryn Rivadeneira

Sneak Peek: the Cover of ‘Gritty and Graceful’ by Caryn Rivadeneira July 9, 2018

Let’s Chat with the Author

Caryn gives us a glimpse into the writing and production of Gritty and Graceful.

1. What age is this book meant for?

Gritty and Graceful is a picture book—so it can easily be read to a child of any age. However, it’s written with 3- to 7-year-olds in mind.

2. What was your favorite part of writing this?

I suppose the challenge of it! I’d spent so much time wondering about, re-imagining, and then writing these women’s stories in Grit and Grace (the longer, devotional book on which Gritty and Graceful is based) that it was hard to summarize each girl or woman’s story in less than 75 words. But, that’s also the fun of it. Instead of giving full stories, I thought, “If this woman could tell just one thing to the reader, what would it be?” 

But my other favorite part is simply knowing that for some kids, these vignettes will introduce young readers to some of the mighty women of the Bible and the idea that God created us all to do great things.

3. Is this part of a series? If yes, which characters can readers anticipate in coming months?

I would love for this to be part of a series. I have other ideas for sequels to both the original Grit and Grace and a follow-up picture book. But I’ve been busy with other projects and haven’t officially pitched the idea!

4. Explain to parents how they can use this book along with Grit and Grace.

Great question. While I’ve thought of Gritty and Graceful as the younger, “introductory” version of Grit and Grace, these books really could be used together. Not all of the women in Grit and Grace appear in Gritty and Graceful, so I’d say that if a young reader shows particular interest in these women’s stories, it’d be great to keep reading and explore the longer stories. Certainly, many of the discussion questions from Grit and Grace can be used for Gritty and Graceful. 

Or, parents could stick to the original idea of using Gritty and Graceful as a primer and then going to Grit and Grace when the kids get older. 

5. Anything else parents might want to know?

Gritty and Graceful is an invitation to enter into the stories of women the Bible—to re-imagine what it would’ve been like and to imagine how God might “use” us today. So I hope this book will spark lots of great conversations and questions about God and the Word of God and life “back then” and life today. Of course, ultimately, I hope these stories turn young readers on to the Bible itself. Kids (and adults!) too often see the Bible as a stodgy, boring old book. But when we flip on our imaginations and try to see, hear, taste, feel and maybe even smell what it was like to be a Bible person, amazing things happen.

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