I’ve Been Waiting to Say This All Summer

I’ve Been Waiting to Say This All Summer September 3, 2018

Job Candidate

After a year of at-home part-time freelancing, I felt the urgency to find another full-time position. Three serious opportunities presented themselves as the summer progressed, and I went through the interview process for each one. The waiting for a job took me through a curious spiritual journey. I was determined not to worry or overly stress. I mean, be smart about what to wear and how to present myself, yes, but not fret over the outcome. Strike one—I was disappointed to be passed over the first opening. Not dismayed, but definitely concerned, even though their reasoning made sense. Because the second pitch soon became strike two. While I didn’t expect to get that job, it sure would have been sweet.

On the bike at PT.

My prayers went from “Whichever job you think is best, Lord,” to “Apparently the third position is best, RIGHT, LORD?” But even then, I knew that wasn’t real faith. During that three-week, three-interview process for the third position, I wanted to get beyond that sort of prayer. I wanted to be able to let go of even this apparent last-ditch opportunity. Let go, as in, not fear “strike three.” If that, too, passed me over, could I trust that God’s plan was still in effect? Did he still have my best interests at heart? Would he still use me to bring glory to him somehow, somewhere (else)? The answer to all of those is a resounding Yes. But could I wait patiently and peacefully through the process? The answer to that was a surprising “most of the time.”

When you go through challenging times, might I recommend you gather some praying friends to surround you and your situation. We all need advocates to take our needs to the Father in heaven, to beseech the creator of the universe on your behalf. I know several people prayed me through the summer, specifically related to the job search. I am convinced that my mostly peaceful spirit was directly related to God answering their prayers. Because waiting is tough! As I was waiting for call backs on job interviews, my daughter spent all summer anticipating knee surgery, and the last two weeks were the hardest. She just wanted it over with.

The results: she came through surgery with flying colors and has been exceeding her physical therapists’ expectations. She continues to delight her teachers and friends (and parents) with her sweet, cheerful, determined spirit.

As for me, I start my new job this week.

Whew, base hit! I was delighted, relieved, and slightly nervous to accept an offer at RightNow Media, a video production non-profit that works with pastors, authors, and other Christian teachers to produce video-based Bible studies and series. I join the writing team to help create the written material that accompanies each video product. I’m excited about using my training and experience to help equip the church through these studies. But mostly I’m grateful, to my friends for praying and to God for answering with a yes. Because we know he doesn’t always give us what we want. I’d rather he gave me what would make his name great.

So, what have I been waiting to say all summer? That I got a job? Yes, and so much more. God was good in the waiting, and he remained good in the rejections and in the acceptance. How he answered me didn’t determine his goodness. Learning to wait for him has been a fulfilling act of obedience. Because he is good.

I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope . . . (Psalm 130:5)

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