Helping Expectant Dads Survive Pregnancy

Helping Expectant Dads Survive Pregnancy February 12, 2020

How much of this was learned through your own experiences? 

Aaron Sharp

You Got This, Dad is pregnancy seen through the lens of my experiences. A couple of times I pull in a little bit of research or stories from the news, but the book emerges from my experience with the caveat that each and every pregnancy is different.

There are a lot of different ways that my experiences play out in the book. The biggest argument of our marriage, fueled by our fourth pregnancy’s hormones, and the baseball documentary Fastball led to the realization that pregnancy hormones are like fastballs. At first this might seem like an odd realization, but when I shared it with our OB/GYN she thought I was onto something. In fact, she called her husband and handed me the phone, telling me, “Tell him what you just told me about hormones, because the same is true of menopause as well.”

What reader reaction would make you feel you had done your duty as an author?

It doesn’t take long to realize that pregnancy is hard for a woman. It can be difficult for a man as well. Motherhood is hard. Fatherhood is hard. Parenting is hard. That doesn’t mean that having and raising children isn’t worthwhile and full of unbelievable blessings, but it does mean that some days we could all use a little encouragement. My paternal grandmother, known affectionately to all as Nanny, was fond of quoting Proverbs 17:22 (always in the King James), “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.” If anything, I hope that for those who might be having one of those hard days that You Got This, Dad could be a little bit of medicine.

How can readers find your book?

It is available pretty much anywhere books are sold. The best place to find out more information about the book and links for purchase would be on our website at This page will also be the place that audio interviews are posted. We will also be doing a series of videos where me and another dad drive around in our minivan and talk pregnancy. When they release you’ll be able to find those videos there as well.

Editor’s Note: * Find the first episode of Dads Driving in Minivans (that’s my favorite, but unofficial, title) here! *

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