If Iran Is “Complicit,” So Is the U.S.

If Iran Is “Complicit,” So Is the U.S. October 11, 2023

U.S. intelligence agencies are saying Iran–which funds and trains Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon–was not directly involved in the Gaza-governing Hamas attacking on Israel last weekend. Yet Jack Sullivan, U.S. National Security Advisor to President Joe Biden, said yesterday that Iran is still “complicit” in the attack because it arms and trains Hamas for war. Well, does that statement suggest that because of this alleged complicity that that gives the U.S. a legitimate reason to enter directly enter that war in support of Israel and against Hamas? If so, Russia could say that the U.S. is “complicit” in the war in Ukraine because the U.S. is arming and training Ukrainian soldiers in that war, giving Russia a legitimate reason to attack the U.S.

This Israel-Hamas war needs to seen in the big picture, which is that Palestinians have suffered considerably for so many decades because they have been suppressed from achieving legitimate rights, such as national status. Therefore, there needs to a peace process to try to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Yet that process has been dead ever since 2014. The U.S. has a responsibility to continue this peace process because it is the #1 ally of Israel who gives Israel $3 billion per year or more. And what little the U.S. gave Palestinians in foreign aid to them was cut off by the Trump administration, which was extremely pro-Israel and anti-Palestinian which was a disgrace to the U.S. before the world.

Years go by in which this conflict is ignored, and that just causes more and more anger to buildup among Palestinians. Despite that, I do not subscribe to Palestinians exercising violence toward Israel. I just point out the obvious that the world, and especially the U.S., should not go on letting this conflict fester with no peace process. And I believe what is most needed in this process is to try find some other two-state solution than the traditional one. That quote I made in a blog post days ago that is attributed to Albert Einstein applies this situation, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” See the one I propose, based on Bible prophecy, in my book, Palestine Is Coming: The Revival of Ancient Philistia.

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