Golf Interview of Me Published Today in Pittsburgh Tribune

Golf Interview of Me Published Today in Pittsburgh Tribune January 4, 2024

Yesterday, I was zoom interviewed for about 20 minutes by golf reporter Chris Mascaro on his podcast, “Next on the Tee.” I’ve never met Chris, but he is really an excellent interviewer. He had prepared well by researching highlights of my golf career, both college and the PGA Tour. Today, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review published an article about the interview, unexpectedly I’m sure. The title of the article is, “Next on the Tee: Kermit Zarley recalls U.S. Open battle with Jack Nicklaus at Pebble Beach.”


Chris did interview me a bit about my theological books, which are now ten.

I don’t know where they got that golf photo of me–has to be from some tournament on the Champions Tour. I must have dropped my golf club. My arms are half raised, and my teeth are clenched. Looks like I’m about to attack a bear!

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