Kermit Zarley Newsletter#3–February 15, 2024

Kermit Zarley Newsletter#3–February 15, 2024 February 15, 2024

My new book, The Gospel Corrupted: When Jesus Was Made God, is finished and available at in both paperback and e-book. At 118-pages in print, it is the smallest of my now ten published books. It is an easy-to-read primer to my magnum opus, The Restitution: Biblical Proof Jesus Is NOT God (570 pp.). But The Gospel Corrupted it is not merely a condensed version of The Restitution. Rather, in this little book I focus on what exactly is the nature of the gospel, the “good news” that the early Christians proclaimed and is recorded in the Bible’s New Testament. I then show how later church fathers, influenced by Greek philosophy and abandoning strict Jewish monotheism, changed this gospel. The Restitution, on the other hand, cites over 400 scholars in a detailed examination of the foremost biblical texts that Trinitarian scholars have cited as the basis for their view that Jesus is God.

The Gospel Corrupted is somewhat reminiscent of Martin Luther’s “95 Theses” that ignited the Protestant Reformation in that it is partially a letter that begins, “Hello Church Fathers, … I have a complaint against some of you.” I then tell my story about how I was a Trinitarian for 22 years. Then one day I had what I believe was “a moment of enlightenment” in which I began to question the deity of Christ while reading Jesus’s Olivet Discourse wherein he said he did not know the time of his second coming. I then undertook a 28-year study of the identity of Jesus that resulted in my publishing The Restitution. It affirms all that the church has proclaimed about Jesus except its dogma that he is God. In The Gospel Corrupted, I show that the original gospel—which must be believed to receive God’s salvation and thus become a real Christian—is only that Jesus Christ is “Lord,” he died for our sins, and God raised him from dead. I then allege that church fathers corrupted the gospel by adding that Jesus is God, God is three Persons, and people also must believe these things to be saved and thereby become a genuine Christian.

The retail price of the paperback edition of The Gospel Corrupted is $8.95 at (Enter this book title or “Kermit Zarley books.”) The e-book edition is $5.95. In selling online, especially books at, you need good ratings and reviews. Amazon explains that its “algorithms will reduce the visibility of your products” if your average ratings go down. Since I’m fighting such an uphill battle against Trinitarianism, I need folks who believe in what I’m saying to post positively. One Amazon buyer of The Restitution recently reviewed it, rated it a 1, the worst rating, and titled his review, “One of the Worst Books I’ve Ever Read.” (But his arguments are extremely weak or wrong.) So, I will appreciate anyone buying The Restitution or The Gospel Corrupted at and writing a review there by scrolling to Customer Reviews on the left. And you don’t have to purchase a book there to review it. Amazon only requires that you have spent $50 with them in the past year.

Yet, I also am offering book-pack discounts of this book on my website a 5-book pack for $25 and a 10-book pack for $50. My purpose for this is to encourage buyers to give this book out to friends and relatives. Also at my website, I am now offering a 45% discount on a 5-book pack of some of my paperback books for $50. Here are the 5 titles: Palestine Is Coming: The Revival of Ancient Philistia (1990); The Third Day Bible Code (2006); Warrior from Heaven (2008); Solving the Samaritan Riddle: Peter’s Kingdom Keys Explain Spirit Baptism (2015); The Gospel Corrupted: When Jesus Was Made God (2023). You can learn about these books at my website or at

I am now back to working on my next book entitled The Late Great Plastic Empire. It will be Book 5 in my series on Bible prophesy, a subject I have specialized on in my studies all my life since my late teens. Book 1 of this series, The Third Day Bible Code, has two blurbs on the back cover by two friends of mine who are very distinguished New Testament scholars: Dr. Dale Allison and Dr. Scot McKnight. Scot’s endorsement begins, “Kermit Zarley has studied the Bible prophetically more than any person I’ve met, and I include academics and pastors.”

The Late Great Plastic Empire is a take-off from Hal Lindsey’s mega-selling book, The Late Great Planet Earth (1970). Time magazine selected it as “The Book of the Decade,” referring to the 1970s. I am using this title because Lindsey and I came from the same church in Houston, Texas. As a college freshman, I heard him speak on Bible prophecy, and it turned me onto the subject. In this next book, I briefly critique some points in Lindsey’s book as a lead-in to my treatments of the same topics. As with some of my books, this one will have some innovative thinking. BTW, I don’t try to be original in interpreting the Bible; that’s not part of my personality; but it just happens.

Until the next Kermit Zarley Newsletter, which I hope to issue about quarterly, HAPPY READING.

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