Large Study Shows Vaccines Lower Risk of Getting Long COVID

Large Study Shows Vaccines Lower Risk of Getting Long COVID July 19, 2024

Early during the COVID-19 pandemic, I wrote a 130 page book about it entitled Moses Predicted COVID-19. It was an ambitious title. But so far, there hasn’t been anything I said in the book about projecting future results of this pandemic that has proved wrong. The book is mostly about making a what I think is a striking correlation between past coronavirus pandemics since the Spanish Flu of 1918 and the Bible’s Mosaic Food Laws about not eating animal meat designated “unclean,” which is where Jews get their kosher rules. It’s in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14.

A new and large study about COVID-19 was published yesterday in the prestigious The New England Journal of Medicine. It reveals that U.S. COVID vaccines have greatly reduced the risk of getting Long COVID. So, not only do COVID vaccines help in preventing people from getting COVID, and they reduce COVID symptoms, these vaccines also help people not get Long COVID. It refers to debilitating COVID symptoms that linger for many weeks if not months. The CDC lists nearly 20 of them. But AARP has reported that some studies claim there are anywhere from 50 to 200 such symptoms.

A first cousin of mine contracted COVID and has had loss of taste and smell for about a year now. Other symptoms of Long COVID are fatigue, so-called “brain fog,” dizziness, chronic cough, chest pain, heart palpitations, and even loss of sexual desire or capacity for sex.

This new study evaluated the medical records of nearly 5 million members of the  U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs over a period of nearly two years, beginning in May, 2020, when COVID-19 started, in which 450,000 of them had gotten COVID. The main purpose of this study was to determine the causes of Long COVID. Among those in the study who had been vaccinated yet still got COVID, only 3.5% of them experienced Long COVID; whereas 7.8% of those in the study who had not been vaccinated contracted Long COVID.

I wonder what the COVID vaccine deniers say about this?


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