Retired Judge Luttig Endorses Kamala Harris for President

Retired Judge Luttig Endorses Kamala Harris for President August 19, 2024

J. Michael Luttig. CREDIT: FRONTLINE on PBS

Retired federal appeals court Judge J. Michael Luttig, a Republican and conservative legal scholar, has endorsed Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris in her bid for the presidency in a written statement published by CNN today. Judge Luttig has been speaking out against Republican former President Donald Trump in his campaign for the presidential election this November.

Luttig says, “In the presidential election of 2024 there is only one political party and one candidate for the presidency that can claim the mantle of defender and protector of America’s Democracy, the Constitution, and the Rule of Law. I will unhesitatingly vote for the Democratic Party’s candidate … Kamala Harris.”

Luttig, who is known for slowly and carefully considering his words before speaking, almost became a justice of the Supreme Court. But he is most famous for advising Republican Vice President Mike Pence to defy President Donald Trump in his effort to pressure Pence not to certify the election results before Congress on January 6, 2021, in which Joe Biden had won the presidential election back in November, and thereby attempt to overthrow the government of the United States of America. At the time, Pence’s attorney then asked Luttig to draft a document setting forth his legal rationale for so advising Pence, which Luttig did.

Luttig today advised all Americans to lay aside all political considerations about this upcoming presidential election in November and narrow their selection down to only one consideration—the preservation of American Democracy. He calls this “a war on America’s Democracy.” Luttig declares that Donald Trump does not believe in American Democracy and is trying to overturn it by becoming president again, to which I fully agree and set forth in many, many posts when Trump was president in 2017-2021. Most of those posts are now in my book Bible Predicts Trump Fall, published in 2022.

Judge Luttig is a Christian. Thus, he also added in his remarks published today, “In my faith, we believe that we will one day answer for our wrongs. I have always tried to live my life in anticipation of that day,” which is usually called by religious Jews, Christians, and Muslims “Judgment Day.” Luttig continued, “Imperfectly, to be sure. But I have tried. My endorsement of the Vice President was the right thing to do. It would have been wrong for me to stay silent, and I believe I would have one day had to answer for that silence,” likely referring to The Judgment.

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