Those Who Destroy Earth Will Be Accountable at The Judgment

Those Who Destroy Earth Will Be Accountable at The Judgment November 19, 2024

CREDIT: earth-melting-above-ocean.jpg

Nearly all nations are presently being represented at the United Nations’ climate change conference, called COP29. It is being held from November 11th to the 22nd in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. Nations are discussing items about the increasing temperature of earth’s atmosphere that has been caused mostly, or entirely, by humans burning fossil fuels since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, in the mid-1850s. Climate scientists claim that this temperature increase of about 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit is worsening weather patterns, melting ice, and therefore causing sea levels to rise. And this increase in temperature is not only rising but accelerating.

Advanced Nations Biggest Polluters

It has been the most advanced nations in the world that have contributed to this rising atmospheric temperature, with the U.S. being the greatest of all such polluters. Yet the nations that suffer the most from this worldwide rising temperature are the undeveloped nations that burn the least amount of fossil fuels and thereby contribute the least to this manmade global warming. Those underdeveloped nations that suffer the most are probably island nations suffering from rising sea levels. Even some portions of the U.S. are experiencing this, such as Miami, Florida, and Long Island, New York. Insurance companies are even refusing to insure some of these areas for flood damage.

This COP29 conference is discussing a financial fund that was established years ago to help undeveloped nations overcome the ill effects of global warming. And some advanced nations are not paying their fair share into this fund. But this COP29 conference in Baku is nothing new. Nations have been wrestling with manmade global warming for decades and not making much progress doing so. For instance, when Donald Trump was the U.S. president, he afterwards withdrew the U.S. from the 2015 Paris Climate Accord that all nations signed.

Donald Trump Says Climate Change Is a “Hoax”

The reason President Trump did this is that he has for many years called supposed manmade global warming “a hoax,” thus not believing in such a thing. But narcissist Donald Trump is known for disregarding science and statistics. In his previous life, Trump was a New York real estate mogul who built big buildings and cared only about making money instead of protecting the environment. He clearly has always been an anti-environmentalist. In my opinion, such a person who dismisses climate scientists should not be the president of the nation that has been the earth’s biggest climate polluter of all.

Now, Donald Trump has been elected U.S. president again. He is going to throw the U.S. backwards in its fight by previous U.S. presidents, such as especially current President Joe Biden, against increasing global warming. To show how the U.S. is the biggest climate polluter of all in the past 175 years, see the following chart.

United States 621B
European Union 403B
China 401B
Russia 221B
India 166B
Brazil 150B
Germany 111B
Indonesia 110B
United Kingdom 99B
Japan 77B

God Will Destroy Those Who Destroy the Earth

The Bible declares that people like Donald Trump—who do not care for God’s creation of the earth that he gave humans as their home—will suffer for this behavior. For, the last book of the Bible, the book of Revelation, prophesies a scene to occur in heaven at the time of The Judgment at the end of the age, “Then the twenty-four elders who sit on their thrones before God fell on their faces and worshiped God, singing, ‘We give you thanks, Lord God Almighty, who are and who were, for you have taken your great power and begun to reign. The nations raged but your wrath has come, and the time for judging the dead, for rewarding your servants the prophets and saints and all who fear your name, both small and great, and for destroying those who destroy the earth” (Revelation 11.16-18).
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