July 3, 2021

How things do change! This week, nearly six months after the January 6th riot at the Capitol, the U.S. Department of Justice arrested several supporters of former President Donald Trump who participated in that insurrection by physically and/or verbally attacking news reporters, or news photographers, and/or destroying their professional equipment. And the Department of Justice, under the new leadership of Attorney General Merrick Garland, may not be finished with arresting these type of rioters. Donald Trump had throughout his presidency... Read more

June 28, 2021

I think so. Here’s what has happened. On June 17th, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops voted favorably for a statement it drafted which will deny the eucharist to any Catholic known to favor abortion. The Roman Catholic Church’s official position has been that abortion is a grave sin. The eucharist, also called “communion,” is the Church’s practice of offering bread and wine for gathered congregants to digest in a solemn ceremony administered by priests. Catholics are taught that the... Read more

June 21, 2021

Spaniard Jon Rahm made his move into expected superstar status today by winning his first major golf championship, the U.S. Open at Torrey Pines, in blazing style. He birdied the last two holes with lengthy, very curving birdie putts to beat South African Louis Oosterhuizen, the 2010 U.S. Open winner, by one stroke. And when Rahm made that last putt, the big man practically shook the ground when he rushed forward in ecstasy with a right arm upper-cut punch into... Read more

June 20, 2021

    Former U.S. President Donald Trump was up to one of his favorite past times last Wednesday night by phoning Fox News and talking to Sean Hannity live on television. He was ranting again about his outsized grievance against “windmills.” We sane folk know them as wind turbines that increasingly contribute to green energy instead those polluting, coal-fired, power stations that Trump promotes since he is a climate denier. Trump exclaimed to Hannity and his millions of TV viewers,... Read more

June 19, 2021

After three rounds in the U.S. Open Championship at Torrey Pines (South Course), near San Diego in California, three PGA Tour pros are tied for first place at 5-under par 208: South African Louis Oosterhuizen, American Russell Henley, and Canadian Mackenzie Hughes. Lurking two strokes behind them at 3-under par 210 are long-ball hitter American Bryson De Chambeau, the defending champion, and Ireland’s four-time major winner Rory McIlroy. The U.S. Open is one of golf’s four major tournaments, the others... Read more

June 18, 2021

  There is a movement of people in the U,S., and throughout much of the world, called “anti-vaxxers” in relation to the vaccines now available to protect against the pandemic called COVID-19 that has so far killed 600,000 Americans. Yet people getting the COVID-19 vaccine reduces the chance of other people getting this deadly virus because of it is very contagious, thus easily transmittable for human to human. (See my previous post about “Non-Vaxxer Pro Athletes.” I think anti-vaxxers, who... Read more

June 16, 2021

Now that Americans have been getting vaccinated for COVID-19 the past few months, there is a movement going on in which people choose not be vaccinated for it, called non-vaxxers.” Some are activist anti-vaxxers. Why? People have different reasons. Some don’t want to risk side effects. But the chance of getting a harmful side effect from a COVID vaccine, especially those administered here in the U.S. such as from Moderna or Johnson and Johnson, is so extremely minimal as to... Read more

June 14, 2021

Dr. Scot McKnight is a New Testament professor at Northern Seminary near Chicago. He has been one of my closest friends for nearly 29 years. Scot is intellectual, gregarious, witty, and has authored perhaps a hundred books. Scot McKnight is also a lifetime evangelical who knows many, American, evangelical leaders, especially those in the academy. Today, he pens the following, needed, and sobering critique of American evangelicalism in his “Scot’s Newsletter” at scotmcknight@substack.com: The Unmasking of Evangelicalism Scot McKnight Jun... Read more

June 8, 2021

The two richest men in the world–Jeff Bezos of Amazon and Elon Musk of Tesla–are both on a mission to conquer space. Jeff Bezos announced today that he and his brother Mark will fly next month into space in the first space flight for Blue Origin, a rocket company founded and owned by Jeff. And Musk announced last December that he will fly to Mars, and he predicted the first SpaceX flight to Mars will occur by 2026. In 2002,... Read more

June 3, 2021

My book, Warrior from Heaven, has an image of Jesus on a throne and riding on bright-shining clouds that are shaped like a cross. When I wrote this book, I hired a New York graphics artist to draw this image that I had sketched out. It’s one of my most favorite outcomes of my literary career. It is based on what Jesus said in his Olivet Discourse. During Passion Week, Jesus and his disciples were on the Mount of Olives... Read more

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