“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God.”
Matthew 5:9
Gracious and loving God
we turn our faces to you
as our eyes search for truth
in these kaleidoscopic days
fractured with conflict and confusion.
Prince of peace
unfurl our clenched fists
that our hands may reach
for our neighbors
with tender herbs of healing.
Great Spirit
wash away the
loathing encrusted around our fear
to allow a wellspring of compassion
to open us to your spark resident in all.
Holy Gardner
peel back the bitter layers
or our withering hearts
that the tender petals of patience
may quiver in the light of your love.
God of all
lift from us the burden of retaliation
that we may accept your yoke
of reconciliation
that we may transform conflict
to commitment
that we may manifest prayers
into peace.