Kimberly Knight here, blogging about being queer and Christian in America. Although this is hardly a rare topic these days, I approach it from the perspective of a middle-aged, southern mamma raised in the old-school Baptist church when Baptists still believed in soul freedom, bible freedom, church freedom and religious freedom (not the kind that means I get to force anyone to do what my religious convictions call me to do). I am now a member of the UCC and the Minister of Digital Community with Extravagance UCC, an online ministry of our denomination.
I am a progressive (leaning toward process) Christian of the mainline, not the post-evangelical, variety. After working for decades in the technology sector, I changed paths and eventually earned an M.Div from Candler School of Theology in 2009.
While at Candler, I launched an online congregation where I led progressive Christian worship, bible study and community events in Second Life. The merging of my theological training and technology background led me to serve as the online organizer for The Beatitudes Society for two years, and then later as a marketing and social media consultant for The Center for Progressive Renewal. I’ve led social media workshops for communities of faith across the nation as well as presented a paper at the AAR, was a featured speaker at Big Tent and Wild Goose Festival.
I’m deeply steeped in liberation, feminist and queer theology. I faithfully reject biblical literalism and inerrancy. My blog can be scathing, snarky and grace-filled all in one post. My faith and my family mean the world to me and I mean to let others know that they need not walk away from God because the church has walked away (or thrown them away).
I often address my posts to the conservative/fundamentalist Christians, but they are not my audience. I understand my audience to be LGBTQIA people of faith who are looking for a way to understand that God loves them and that they are welcome with their whole selves not only at God’s table but in the full life of the church.
I live with my partner Betsy, two dogs, three cats a couple of chickens in old Florida – Gulfside!
I eat more biscuits & grits and drink more Coca-Cola than women of a certain age should. I have a long history of back-pew sitting, gospel music weeping, Wednesday night supper eatin’ and generally trying God’s patience since 1969.