February 26, 2014

Thank you Rev. Emily for allowing me to share this kick-ass post originally shared on The Huffington Post! It seems like this election season “religious liberty” is a hot topic. Rumors of its demise are all around, as are politicians who want to make sure that you know they will never do anything to intrude upon it. I’m a religious person with a lifelong passion for civil rights, so this is of great interest to me. So much so, that... Read more

February 21, 2014

As some of y’all know I have been in a bit of a personal spiral since my father died in October and my marriage crumbled in December.  Even though I promised that “my personal tragedy would not affect my ability to do good hair” it seems my bloggy bouffant has indeed fallen flat in recent months. So earlier this week I sent up the Coming Out Christian bat signal asking for folks to share posts via my beleaguered blog, and wow,... Read more

February 17, 2014

Just watch.  Trigger warnings galore.   Breathe. Take a moment to pray. Please stop a moment to think. Ok, now comments are welcome.   Read more

February 17, 2014

Update: It seems this post needs a decoder ring 🙂 Part of living in layers of protective fear sometimes requires shielding the identity of our children to a wider world where hate mail is part of my daily routine, especially when I use a story to call out so called Christians for their very unChrist-like behavior. Thing 1 = my biological daughter Thing 2 = my step daughter with my former partner BF = Thing 1’s best friend. Thing 1 and... Read more

February 15, 2014

Finest sermon I’ve been blessed to experience in a long time.  This is why I write, this is why I share, this is why I pray, this is what I want for us all. “What I have learned is that love, the beauty of it, the joy of it and yes even the pain of it is the most incredible gift to give and receive as a human being – and we deserve to experience love fully, equally and without... Read more

January 30, 2014

I so wish I had written this!  Thank you whoever you are!!   Read more

January 24, 2014

Hi there friends, there has been an increase in conversation lately about online ministry. I realize it is likely just on my newsfeed but it seems every day I see a question regarding online worship, sacraments or pastoral care.  Because I am experiencing what is commonly refereed to as writers’s block (I am calling it the screeching harpy alter ego of my otherwise generous muse) this seems like as good an occasion as any to dig up something of mine... Read more

January 18, 2014

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.  Ecclesiastes 3:1   This past summer I had the pleasure to stand in a thin place with some amazing people at Wild Goose.  For me, the holiest moments of the entire festival occurred gathered with neighbors under a campsite tarp sharing our stories, bread and wine. One of my neighbors was young man named Cody.  With his bandanna wrapped around his head, long hair framing his... Read more

January 17, 2014

Oh weak heart why to you deceive a determined mind? Though I am truly and finally grateful to be free from all that was toxic and false moments swell within me where I miss all that was sweet and true Surprised by joy peeping into my life seeping into my soul My unhinged heart is stalked by the haint of hope lurking in a lagoon of longing Oh blighted heart why to you contaminate a fertile mind? Read more

January 17, 2014

This past fall I accepted a board position on the Media Justice arm of the UCC, OCinc. Since I care deeply about social justice as part of my duty as a follower of The Way, and since I spend addiction commitment levels of time engaging media of all sorts it seems this is a wonderful fit. By now most of y ‘all know that a court in Washington DC struck down open Internet rules on Tuesday, also known as Net Neutrality. ... Read more

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