April 11, 2014

Sometime near the end of what I now call World Vision Week I had a dream. As the blackness of slow-wave sleep dissolved, I found myself in the completely mundane and peaceful kitchen I once shared with my ex-wife. As we puttered around, putting away the evening’s dishes, I sensed a shadowy presence swooping past the windows barely visible beneath the nearly drawn shades.  I inched closer to the sink to peek out into the purpling sky. Just as I... Read more

April 3, 2014

By now y’all probably realize I’ve taken a pretty deep hit with all the “Christian” shenanigans last month (and frankly for all time) and I’m struggling to find anything nice to say about anything that is Christian.  In the middle of my most recent theological melt down (I’ve had so many) I promised the good people who put up with me at Patheos to write a review of Clint Schnekloth’s new book, Mediating Faith: Faith Formation in a Trans-Media Era.... Read more

April 1, 2014

Friends and family, in the wake of the courageous World Vision stand to continue to deny same-sex couples employment, I have searched my heart, prayed around the clock and have come to a very difficult decision. See, it was in a moment of weakness that World Vision announced they would include homosexuals in their ranks of true Christians and hard-working citizens.  When it became evident that Christians, feeling faithfully convicted that to follow Christ meant they must be willing to... Read more

March 26, 2014

I had an odd dream last night. Maybe this dream is the result of the spicy bean bowl I made for dinner, maybe it was melatonin gummies that helped me get the best night sleep in a month, maybe it came to me as a result of the creeping feeling that I need to walk away from Christianity all together.  What ever the cause I’d like to share it with you because it is sticking on me like white on... Read more

March 24, 2014

A couple of y’all have asked me why I have been strangely quiet about Fred Phelp’s passing so I guess I should try my best to answer. Because thinking about this man and his legacy makes me mad, it hurts like hell and brings out the worst in my heart. As a Christian, a lesbian Christian, a human riddled darknesses that only grace can penetrate, I really have had hard time mustering the kindness, love and decency that I believe... Read more

March 14, 2014

Warning: this post feels like a hot damn mess of a dozen mismatched thoughts dumped out like a pail of dog-chewed Lincoln Logs. So be it.   It’s been just three months since I moved out of the house that I believed would be my forever home. Three months since I stepped across two distinct thresholds.  One threshold is that which recedes into a past distorted by the mist of mythical love and obscured by alternating waves of resolution &... Read more

March 12, 2014

I am sitting on my tiny front porch listening to the lonely wail of a train in the cool southern night trying to find the words to wish someone beautiful, talented, graceful (in all the ways) and incredibly special to me an amazingly happy birthday! I can’t seem to recall the circumstances of our first meeting because it feels as if her presence has always been a part of my peripheral existence.  I can recall in tangibly profound ways the... Read more

March 5, 2014

Friends, I’d like to take this opportunity to invite y’all, liberal or conservative, queer or not queer, female or male, black or white, Mac or Windows, coffee or tea, craft or PBR, rocks or neat to take some time over Lent to Come Aside a While into the spiritual practice of lectio divina via livestreaming.com each Wednesday of Lent at 9 p.m. EST beginning Ash Wednesday .  In this practice we can give ourselves the gift of slowing down, attending “with the... Read more

March 3, 2014

So today I have the pleasure of lifting up a post by a friend of mine. Tripp has become for me an example of how a Baptist can live out their path with faithful consistency and radical hospitality.  Tripp is a living reminder of the core of my Baptist roots, the good and rebellious stuff, that still has a grip on my heart.  I have always and only experienced Tripp as a talented, grace-filled, loving ally.  I am just floored... Read more

February 26, 2014

Sorry I’m not sorry that I lured you here under false pretenses but this is NOT a queer “50 Shades” post.  Nope, this is simply a post that explores just a few of the reasons why I am willing to head down to the Georgia capital and present myself as a protesting witness to a legislative hearing regarding two pointedly anti-gay bills.  Georgia HB 1023 / SB 377 would authorize any business to refuse services and goods based on religious... Read more

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