March 22, 2016

Oh God! It has happened. My heart is numb as I learn of evil unleashed by your Children. Again. Open my heart, Wounded One that I may feel. Again. Oh God! It has happened. My eyes are dry as I watch images of your Children shredded by violence. Again. Open my eyes Compassionate One that I may weep. Again. Oh God! It had happened. My ears are baffled as I hear sounds of your Children screaming and weeping. Again. Open... Read more

March 10, 2016

Over two years ago I posted about the fear I carry when visiting the doctor, especially when taking my children to receive health care. I hear all the time, from otherwise well-meaning folks, that things are getting better so I have nothing to really be afraid of. Actually, friends, the more things change, the more dangerous it can get. A friend posted this in a private group on Facebook. With her permission, and the promise to preserve her anonymity, I... Read more

February 9, 2016

So, this coming Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and oddly enough for this Baptist raised, UCC livin’, progressive/process/liberation/feminist/queer theological mutt, it is a highly significant day in my yearly walk with Jesus. For those of you unfamiliar with the Christian calendar, Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, a Christian season of fasting and prayer leading up to Easter. Ash Wednesday services are somber events that culminate in the ritual imposition of ashes, which is the moment when a pastor or priest applies ashes in the form of a cross to... Read more

January 11, 2016

I am hearing truly wonderful news of love and warmth and transformative experiences coming from the Gay Christian Network conference this past week. Let me say, before I get a bit rant-tacular, that I am immensely grateful for the many hearts, minds and bodies that were embraced, maybe some for the first time ever, at the GCN event. Folks have asked why I was not there. To be get right to the point, it’s the whole GCN “Great Debate” and... Read more

December 7, 2015

Advent is the season between Thanksgiving and Christmas Day where Christians mark the days of darkness waiting for the In-Breaking of Peace, waiting for the Incarnation of Love. It is a season for lighting candles in the darkness because we believe Emmanuel, God With Us, will soon shed the light of eternal love and justice on every dark corner of the world. Now more than ever it seems like every day, all year ’round is Advent. Aren’t we all waiting for something... Read more

December 3, 2015

The other day Franklin Graham, in a self-righteous, power-coveting, ignorance-laced, fear-inducing rant on Facebook garnered over 147,000 likes, 58,000 shares and 18,000 comments by with a post about the sin of homosexuality. And after much soul searching, prayer and study I’ve decided it’s time for me to tell the truth about the sin of the homosexual lifestyle. Now hang on, I’m not saying what you may think I’m saying or what the Franklin Fundiepants might hope I’d be saying. Not even close. The sin of the homosexual... Read more

October 16, 2015

The other day on the vast, rolling sea that is Facebook, I saw and reshared an image originally shared by Mark Sandlin who is an ordained PC (USA) minister, co-host at The Moonshine Jesus Show, blogger at Patheos and The Huffington Post. Copyright As of this writing, 99 folks signaled their approval with their god-given, handy-dandy thumbs-up. Only one seemingly lost fellah registered his disapproval with the following statement: Wayne asked, “Why? Opposition to homosexual marriage does not equate to rejection of... Read more

September 23, 2015

I met Phyllis Tickle at a conference about 10 years ago and we struck up a conversation about the work I was doing creating online church in Second Life. She was immediately fascinated and wanted me to create an avatar for her to explore the digital world. Later, she did indeed log in and wander around the weird little world of online church with complete and utter openness to the reality of virtual community. After that, every time I would see her... Read more

August 31, 2015

It seems nearly every week we hear another report about the demise of the church. Just Google the term “leaving church” and you’ll get about 169,000,000 search results. For real, go try it. Posts range from why are people leaving, how to leave well, why not to leave, to to win members back and why those who have left aren’t missing anything and have no interest in returning – ever. What many of these posts boil down to is that... Read more

August 4, 2015

If you’ve read my blog recently or happen to be one of the unfortunate souls being subjected to my endlessly sappy Facebook feed, it should be pretty clear by now that I’ve lost my damn mind and fallen head over heels in love. I promise to return you to our regularly scheduled programming of exploring the intersection of being queer and Christian, speaking truth to power and other justice shaningating but for at least one more post…sigh 🙂 As a... Read more

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