July 23, 2018

Architecture, Ruskin claims (Seven Lamps of Architecture), isnā€™t the same as building. Architecture refers to the specifically artistic features of a building, and the specifically artistic features have to do with adornment and not function: ā€œArchitecture concerns itself only with those characters of an edifice which are above and beyond its common use. I say common; because a building raised to the honor of God, or in memory of men, has surely a use to which its architectural adornment fits...Ā Read more

July 19, 2018

John Ruskin was the main art critic of his time; he was an artists himself, and also wrote on a variety of other topics, especially on the state of English politics and economy. He abandoned explicit attachment to Evangelical Christianity but remained deeply indebted. He provides an excellent example of the persistence of typological structures of thought into the latter part of the nineteenth century, when orthodox Christianity was in something of a decline. In his discussion of the paintings...Ā Read more

July 18, 2018

Typological forms of thought werenā€™t confined to sermons and commentaries, but made their way into 19th-century English poetry. -Some poets put typology to orthodox uses, though here we can see divergent deployments of a similar typology. Elizabeth Barrett Browning wrote a poem, Casa Guidi Windows (1851) about the Browning home in Florence. In one section, she speaks of the priesthood of Christ and the effect it has on the formation of the church: Ā  Through heavenā€™s gate The priestly ephod...Ā Read more

July 17, 2018

Typology was a traditional method of reading Scripture, one that persisted into the Victorian age. Most obviously, this took the traditional form of finding shadowy figures of Christ in Old Testament characters and institutions and promises. J.C. Ryle, a leading Evangelical Anglican, claimed that one ā€œgolden chainā€ runs through the whole of Scripture ā€“ it is entirely about Christ: ā€œno salvation excepting by Jesus Christ. The bruising of the serpentā€™s head, foretold in the days of the fall, ā€“ the...Ā Read more

July 16, 2018

Philosophers sometimes restrict ā€œknowledgeā€ to verifiable facts, logical inferences, statements, theories. In fact, knowing goes on all the time, in many modes and manners. As Esther Meek puts it, our lives are a tapestry of acts of knowing. Our knowing is nestled within Godā€™s knowing. Our acts of knowing occur within the passivity of being-known. Psalm 139 isĀ the Psalm of knowing. It begins, ā€œThou has searched me and known me, thou dost know when I sit down and when I...Ā Read more

July 12, 2018

You are my witnesses, the Lord tells Israel. You will be my witnesses, Jesus tells the apostles before His ascension. All Christians are witnesses, ā€œmartyrsā€ in the original sense of the word. All Christians are also called to be ā€œmartyrsā€ in the more developed sense: We are all called to witness to Jesus by your life and words, no matter what the cost, no matter what the threat or danger. Few of us will suffer martyrdom in this developed sense....Ā Read more

July 11, 2018

Brian Stanley (Christianity in the Twentieth Century) is aware that the ā€œBible is the fountainhead of all Christian traditions,ā€ perennially central to the churchā€™s life. But he suggests that ā€œthe twentieth century may have a better claim than any other to be labeled the century of the Bibleā€ (9). He elaborates: ā€œIn the course of the century more peoples received the Scriptures in their own language than in any preceding century. As they did so, biblical narratives and the stories...Ā Read more

July 10, 2018

Modern epistemology operates, Charles Taylor argues (A Secular Age); he covers some of the same ground in Retrieving Realism), within a ā€œclosed world systemā€ (CWS). CWS describes the various ā€œways of restricting our grasp of things which are not recognized as suchā€ (551). When one operates within a CWS, his ā€œthinking is clouded or cramped by a powerful picture which prevents one seeing important aspects of reality.ā€ For those within the system, the perspective seems natural and obvious. But that...Ā Read more

July 9, 2018

The horsemen who are summoned by the living creatures in Revelation 6 are known as ā€œhorsemen of the Apocalypse.ā€ This is what they are, technically, since they are horsemen and they appear in a book called ā€œthe Apocalypse of Jesus Christ.ā€ But usually that phrase implies something more: these horsemen, who represent horrors like war, famine, and death, represent a series of signs that will occur just before the end of the world. When you see the horsemen ride out,...Ā Read more

July 6, 2018

Andrzej Toczyskiā€™sĀ The ā€œGeometricsā€ of the Rahab StoryĀ offers an insightful, multi-layered close reading of Joshua 2. His syntactical analysis of the chapter examines the features of the text that steer the readerā€™s involvement in the story. His aim is to show how Joshua has been and is a ā€œvehicle of literary communication.ā€ The book includes detailed discussions of pre-modern, modern, and postmodern readings of the chapter, as well as Toczyskiā€™s own discussion. He devotes a section of his own reading to...Ā Read more

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