March 13, 2013

As we wait, that seagull who sat perched atop the chimney of the Sistine Chapel is getting quite a lot of media attention: A Catholic News Service video of his own: A Twitter account: and evidence of him trending like crazy on Twitter. and even his own meme: Read more

March 13, 2013

My friend Sarah Reinhard just emailed me to ask the simple question: “Who are you watching for Conclave coverage live?” My answer: everyone! Here’s what I shared with her: “You would laugh if you could see my desk. I have Twitter on my main screen, CatholicTV and Salt and Light on my second monitor, EWTN on my ipad, and the Vatican live youtube feed on my iPhone. I have to leave in a few minutes to do audiobook updates and... Read more

March 13, 2013

Love that we have such wonderful priests covering this moment in history for us! Be sure to take advantage of the easy ability to share this phenomenal videos with family and friends in social media. Youtube Description: After the first “smoke watch,” Father Barron reports on the first day of the conclave— March 12, 2013. He offers his theological insights regarding the beautiful ritual of the conclave’s opening Mass, speaking about how it displays the “best of the Catholic imagination.”... Read more

March 13, 2013

This awesome video from Fr. Roderick describes the emotions felt in St. Peter’s Square this morning when we had a “smoke sighting” early in the day: In the video, we hear Father speculate that the delay in seeing “white smoke” — an indication of a newly elected Pope — means perhaps the perceived “majority” for Cardinal Scola may not in fact be holding up. I have no comment on that, but I do have to say I love Father’s enthusiasm... Read more

March 12, 2013

It’s clear I won’t be in St. Peter’s Square when our Cardinal electors announce their decision – I’ve decided I’m sort of at peace with that. God has me squarely where he wants me this week. In a way, I have the sensation that it’s actually a bit more simple to watch the events of the Conclave from the comfort of my office. Today, when the results of that first election became apparent via the “black smoke” spewing from the... Read more

March 12, 2013

Among those I’m following in Rome is my friend Mountain Butorac of The Catholic Traveler. Mountain and the pilgrims he’s leading in a trip to the Vatican this week find themselves in the enviable position of being on the ground in St. Peter’s Square during the Conclave. For great photos and firsthand tweets, follow Mountain on Twitter at American Pilgrims Find Themselves in Rome for Historic Days Catholic Tour Group Finds Being in Rome Providential ATLANTA, March 12, 2013 – They wanted... Read more

March 12, 2013

For anyone who missed this moment at the closing of this morning’s Conclave coverage, this video is “must watch”. Per the wikipedia “list of Latin phrases“, the definition of Extra Omnes: It is issued by the Master of the Papal Liturgical Celebrations before a session of the Papal conclave which will elect a new Pope. When spoken, all those who are not Cardinals, or those otherwise mandated to be present at the Conclave, must leave the Sistine Chapel. My favorite... Read more

March 12, 2013

From the official Vatican Youtube account: On Tuesday, the Cardinals moved to the Casa Santa Marta, which will be a secured residence throughout the period of the Conclave. The building has been prepared for this task over the last few days, including a room which will initially host the Pope after he is elected. The suite set aside for the new Pope is number 201. The new Pope is expected to stay in the Casa Santa Marta for at least... Read more

March 12, 2013

From Rome Reports, a solemn and peaceful peek inside today’s Pro Eligendo Pontifice Mass: The 115 cardinals that will take part in the Conclave made their procession inside St. Peter’s Basilica to begin the Pro Eligendo Pontifice Mass. Thousands of people joined them inside and outside the basilica, for the ceremony presided by the Cardinal Dean Angelo Sodano. The cardinals will not leave the Vatican until they have chosen a new Pope.   The homily was delivered by Cardinal Sodano, Dean... Read more

March 11, 2013

I am planning a post to run later tonight with the names and Twitter handles of friends of mine who are on the ground in Rome, covering firsthand the news of the Conclave – some are fulltime media professionals, and others are like my friend Fr. Roderick Vonhogen from the Netherlands and of SQPN, who is a priest and social media enthusiast. Here’s one of his videos form today giving us a closeup look at the environment in St. Peter’s... Read more

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