Priceless: Embracing God’s Value of You

Priceless: Embracing God’s Value of You April 15, 2024

Over the past week my Dad taught several lessons that at first seemed not to connect, but in the end came together in a beautiful picture. In fact the tapestry that he painted spoke to me in a way I that didn’t see coming. I hope this doesn’t come off as a mini-sermon, but I want to share with you my take on a message that is close to my heart. That message: the immeasurable value that God places on each and every one of our lives.

As a Believer, I have come to the realization that our worth is not determined by worldly standards, but by the reckless love and grace of our Creator. When I think about my life as a 20+ year corporate climber I have so many SMH moments. That is, shaking my head at the things I believed to be true. I went from the city streets to the classrooms then to the boardrooms and that became my identity. All I wanted was a power suit and a fat paycheck. I look back almost in shame now, but I quickly turn that bout of disappointment into gratitude. I’m so glad I’m free! This is the freedom I’ve been waiting for. The freedom of the Lord; the freedom to know I’m a child of the King; the freedom to know my value is defined by Him. Come, let’s read a little further.

In Genesis 1 the Word tells us that we are created in the image of God. This means that each of us carries a divine imprint, a reflection of His character and love. Understanding this truth reminds us that our worth is inherent and unchangeable, regardless of our circumstances or shortcomings.

Then in Ephesians 1 we get assurance that God chose us before the foundation of the world, adopting us into His family through Jesus. The sacrifice that our Savior made speaks volumes about our value in His eyes. We are not accidents or afterthoughts, but purpose-full creations designed with a plan in mind.

The scripture that speaks directly to this salvation plan is John 3:16. It says “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross emphasizes the incomprehensible value God places on our lives. He was willing to give the most precious gift imaginable to redeem us and restore our relationship with Him.

God reached down, snatched me out of darkness and pulled me into the marvelous light. He kept His promise that He made to Himself. He never lied and never failed. Ever. Not once has He left me. And when in my arrogance and ignorance I walked away from Him, He patiently waited my return. But He didn’t stop there- He fully loved me the entire time. He didn’t wash my face with my mistakes. He received me again with open arms and even rewarded me because I was willing to turn from my own ways and walk in His will.

God protects His investment the whole way. Jesus shows me the way and simply asks me to trust Him. The Holy Spirit comforts and guides me. Now I know that I am a Masterpiece. I am PRICELESS.

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