Welcome back to Live Full Die Empty, where we believe in filling our cups with wisdom, not just coffee!
Quote: It gots to be accepted that what?
That life is hectic.
That’s not good English but that’s good wisdom. The line is from C.R.E.A.M. a song from the debut album of Wu-Tang Clan. I won’t take time here to explain who they are (feel free to Google). But I will say some of the circumstances these rappers talk about resonate with me. I know what it’s like to watch my mom come home dead tired from working extra hard just to make sure that I had food and clothes and somewhere to live. I know the pain of having to wear the same clothes over and over again to school. Through all that struggle, she held on to her faith. We prayed and cried together. She was the picture of living with intentional faith.
This was an early example and I have many more. So I can’t allow myself to get weary in well doing. That’s not what Mom, Grandma, nor my aunties did. I must stand even in the face of trials and storms. In fact, I have learned that the attack is proof that the enemy believes my future is bright! Your troubles are a sign. This should give you hope, not fear. There’s no stopping what God has for you and the devil knows it. That’s why he’s throwing stones in your path. It’s up to you to take your stand and make a fool of him. Life is hectic, so what. Show him that not only is he already defeated but you won’t let him talk you out of your winning position.
A winner has the mindset of a champion even when it looks like the trophy is out of reach. A winner has the heart of a Lioness- courageous and brave. She goes after the things that are going to sustain her. She doesn’t worry with things that disturb her peace and steal her joy. A winner lives with intentional faith. She is fierce. Even though some of these attributes may be present in your family or your friend group, you have to own it for yourself. You can only do that through the power of the Holy Spirit. Invite Him into your decision making. When you find yourself in doubt or confused about how to move forward, spend some quiet time listening for the voice of God.
Remember the Bible tells us in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths. To put it plain and simple, trust God in every area of your life. That includes: faith, family finances, work, home, personal, social, and health.
Which brings me to my Gratitude Point for the week, it falls under the social category. I’m so grateful to God for good friends in my life. In the last seven days alone I have had two friends to volunteer to work with my outreach ministry, another two friends insist that we have breakfast together and yet another two friends to remind me to rest and have fun. God gave me my own little Noah’s Ark experience right within my circle of friends and no one had to drown. Ha!
No matter how many wins you may have in the corporate world; no matter how many prayers prayers you’ve seen answered at home; you may still have an ache deep inside that something is missing. That something is tied to your passion. Spend some time this week in reflection. Think about the things that truly make your heart full. Write them down in your journal and ask God how to experience more of that in your everyday life. If you’d like, come back and tell me about it.
My prayer for you today is that God guide you as you take steps to find your true passion.
Peace be unto you Friend