January 14, 2024

I feel like what I’m about share here is long overdue. And the things that my pastor and the praise team leader at my church has been saying all year confirms it. It is time for us Believers to get back to pure adoration and appreciation for The Man that has proven Himself over and over again. Especially at the top of this bright beautiful New Year we all need to understand the importance of acknowledging Christ for who He... Read more

January 7, 2024

If you are anything like my husband and me, you are subscribed to several streaming TV services. One that I favor is Hulu because of the variety of old and new shows. I tend to like wholesome, family-friendly stories with clean jokes and cute endings. This leaves me watching a lot more older shows versus newer ones.  Lately, I’ve been watching episodes of one of my favorite shows as a kid, ‘Who’s The Boss?’ And of course, as a preacher,... Read more

December 31, 2023

God doesn’t have frenemies. I want you to read that again, so let me write it again. God doesn’t have frenemies. God’s power and sin don’t go together. Like oil and water, they literally cannot mix. There isn’t room for sin in our lives because you can’t simultaneously be a friend of God and an enemy as well. My pastor said something today that blew my mind; he actually does this often. Keep in mind that he is an old... Read more

December 14, 2023

I launched The Healed Girl ministry while I was on my sick bed. That’s such an old “churchy” term, but it’s absolutely accurate. I had been discharged from the hospital, but I was still under doctor’s care. I had moved in with my mother because I couldn’t be alone at home and was unable to work. I was also unable to prepare food for myself. At times, I had to have assistance just going to the bathroom. My face was... Read more

December 3, 2023

Is this love? Most of the time, if you have to ask, the answer is no. At the risk of sounding spiritually spooky, I’ll take it a step further. If you feel a small inkling in your gut that it’s not really love, that’s usually the Holy Spirit’s way of alerting you to stop. Now I’m telling you to stop, in the name of love. I’m not trying to scare you straight, and I’m not trying to mimic Diana Ross,... Read more

November 25, 2023

Sooo… how was your Thanksgiving? Did you love it? Did you hate it? Did you travel? Did you stay local? Did you eat too much? Did you grab any of those Black Friday deals? Did you donate to a worthy cause? Did you share with the homeless? I had a fabulous Thanksgiving. I got nominated for a Stellar Award! For those of you who don’t know what that is, it’s the Grammy’s of Black Gospel Music. And I just got... Read more

November 15, 2023

When God shows up, things start to happen. I stand on that declaration with complete assurance. When God shows up, things start to happen. Things change. You, as well as the situation, can no longer stay the same. That’s exciting because God, unlike many people we know, is both consistent and has integrity. With Him we don’t have to choose. He’s going to show up strong and mighty in the situation. He’s going to show up on time, and He’s... Read more

November 5, 2023

It’s my birthday week; Friday is the big day. I’m super excited. I always am. I’m also very reflective. I have overflowing joy and gratitude because I almost ran out of birthdays a few years ago. I am a real-life miracle, and I celebrate that every day, but especially on my birthday. As I think about all of the things I have survived—near death, near divorce, crazy work environments, crazy home environments, financial turmoil, and more. I count it a... Read more

October 29, 2023

Let me ask you a question. I want you to keep it real with me, and most importantly, keep it real with yourself. Have you been taking the long way around? We learned in school that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. They made us buy graph paper, then, at some point, they lost their minds, and they made us by graphing calculators. They taught us formulas, and if you’re like me, you filed that away... Read more

October 25, 2023

I learned something. Wanna hear it? I learned that if it ain’t a Hell Yes, then it’s a No. For years, I quoted Randy Jackson from American Idol. When he looked across the stage at something that he wasn’t feeling, he simply said, “It’s a no for me, dog.” I’m embodying that “no” more and more every day. And I have to tell you, I like what I have going on over here. I’m voting for me. And the reason... Read more

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