September 17, 2024

You’ve heard the phrase let go and let God, well here is your sisterly reminder so do that and do it NOW! If I’m being honest, and I almost always am, I’m still trying to figure out the intersections of my platforms as a leader, influencer and lifestyle content creator. That being said, I have to connect today’s thoughts with previous notes I’ve made on social media because they are in complete alignment. Welcome back to Live Full Die Empty,... Read more

September 10, 2024

As I write this I’m fighting tears because the reality of what I’m about to share is tough. A big part of what I teach and minister on is identity. Well what happens when a person you love takes on an identity that you can’t connect with? You have to grow. You have to allow your faith to grow. Welcome back to Live Full Die Empty, where we believe in filling our cups with hope, not just coffee! You’re probably... Read more

September 3, 2024

Welcome back to Live Full Die Empty, where we believe in filling our cups with wisdom, not just coffee! Quote: It gots to be accepted that what? That life is hectic. That’s not good English but that’s good wisdom. The line is from C.R.E.A.M. a song from the debut album of Wu-Tang Clan. I won’t take time here to explain who they are (feel free to Google). But I will say some of the circumstances these rappers talk about resonate... Read more

August 27, 2024

Don’t forget to remember. Welcome back to Live Full Die Empty, where we believe in filling our cups with joy, not just coffee! One of the primary ways that I keep my cup filled with joy is by letting myself just be silly sometimes. My husband and family have come to expect me to walk through the house (their house and mine) with random outbursts of laughter or singing silly songs out loud. Speaking of silly songs and our topic... Read more

August 20, 2024

Welcome back to Live Full Die Empty, where we believe in filling our cups with wisdom, not just coffee! For me the theme of this season has been reflection. I have been looking back at my life experience a lot, more than usual. I have even been watching more shows from previous years as opposed to new ones and I’m noticing things I didn’t see before. Since I was so greatly disappointed by the latest series iteration (House of the... Read more

August 13, 2024

Welcome back to Live Full Die Empty, where we believe in filling our cups with peace, not just coffee! Speaking of peace, to keep the peace this past week I had to shift. And if I’m being honest I had to do it several times. Case in point, it took a lot for me not to title this blog Butt Whooping. I had to think for a minute… that might invite an entirely different audience than I want here. LOL!... Read more

August 6, 2024

Welcome back to Live Full Die Empty, where we believe in filling our cups with faith, not just coffee! It’s a brand new month which means we have the opportunity to press the Fresh Start button. Ding! Did you get that notification? We can look forward and welcome all the goodness ahead. Here’s our chance for a new beginning with new memories. Let’s kick this post off with a bit of gratitude, shall we? To be honest I am so... Read more

July 29, 2024

Can you sense the shift? There is definitely a shift happening. A shift away from what is phony. A shift away from what is draining. A shift away from what is not connecting. A shift away from what doesn’t make sense. I have to tell you, I love that for us. I especially love that for me. It only occurred to me this past weekend why this blog that I once was so delighted and honored to bring to you... Read more

July 9, 2024

The past few weeks have been crazy for my family. One of the elders, my mom’s 83-year-old sister, became ill and things went downhill fast. I feel like I’ve been in a bubble and only popped my head out briefly for business and ministry needs. Now that we have laid one of my dear hearts to rest, I’m finding my way back to normal. Is that really a thing? I’m not sure it is, but I want to share some... Read more

June 6, 2024

The truth of the matter is my faith has been the thread that has held my marriage together for 13 wonderful years. I found out that the symbol for 13 years is lace. It’s beautiful and delicate; it’s special. Lace represents the intricate weaving of two lives into one, and let me tell you, sometimes that weaving process has involved some pretty serious stretching and pulling. When I think about our marriage, Ephesians 4 comes to mind: “‭Always be humble... Read more

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