How to Spot False Leaders in the Church

How to Spot False Leaders in the Church October 28, 2024

Have you ever listened to a Christian pastor or teacher and think, “that doesn’t sound right”? Perhaps you’ve watched a video and heard things that sound good but don’t really line up with the Word of God. When you get these checks in your spirit, it’s the Holy Spirit moving within you, honing your discernment. The Apostle Paul gave us warnings on how to spot false leaders in the church. Today, we’ll go through these warning signs and what to do when you’re faced with a false pastor or teacher.

How to Spot False Leaders in the Church
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What is Truth?

In 1 Timothy 3:15 Paul tells us that the church is “[the] house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.” When we attend church or listen to a Christian teacher, we should be hearing

How to Spot False Leaders in the Church
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the whole truth and nothing but the truth. However, the truth is not always what we receive.

Unfortunately, today, truth is more acceptable when it is subjective. This means that people determine what the truth is based on feelings or emotions. The problem is that “personal truths” aren’t typically based on facts at all. People have disregarded the truth of God’s Word – which is the ABSOLUTE TRUTH – and replaced it with what they WANT the truth to be or what they FEEL the truth is. (Click here to learn about the  Absolute Truth of God’s Word).

Speaking of truth, here’s a cold hard truth: just because you may think something is true, doesn’t mean it is. The only real truth is found in the Word of God. It is not subjective, it’s not up for personal interpretation. If God says it, it’s true. Period.

If your pastor or teacher is not teaching the Gospel as written in the Bible, then he or she is a false pastor or teacher. The Gospel is NOT Jesus plus “this or that” it is Jesus and Jesus alone. In Acts 4:12 Peter tells us that “there is no salvation in any other [name], for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” and that name is Jesus Christ. (Click here to read about salvation).


Signs of False Leaders in the Church

When I say “the church” I am not referring to the buildings we go to, I am referring to the Body of Christ. There are many people who claim to be pastors and teachers who are not affiliated with a specific church “building.”

In 1 Timothy chapter three Paul gives us the qualifications and characteristics that are required of church leaders. So, when we get to first Timothy chapter four, we know that Paul is continuing his discussion on leaders within the Body of Christ. In 1 Timothy 4:1-3 we read:

“Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.”

The first thing to point out from these verses is that Paul received this revelation from the Holy Spirit. These words given to Paul were a warning to us all of things that we need to take heed of where pastors and teachers are concerned.

When will all of this become increasingly evident? Paul tells us in verse one: “in latter times.” We have reached the point where it is sometimes hard to determine truth from lies – even where the church is concerned. That’s why it’s important to break these verses down and look at each description Paul mentions.


Some Will Depart from The Faith

Yes, in the latter days, even church “leaders” will depart from the faith. This is a dire warning we must take seriously. If Christians are to remain faithful to Jesus, we must be aware of those leaders who seem to have departed from the faith and make sure that we do not follow them or take anything they say to heart.

We must be aware that even if we regard the Bible as THE truth, considering even the smallest detail of other doctrines could nullify our faith. Revelation 22:18-19 warns us that we are not to add to or take away anything from the Word of God; therefore, if pastors and teachers are doing one of the two, we must turn away from them.

“Departing from the faith” refers to anyone who replaces the teachings of the Word of God in order to preach or teach something that fits their own beliefs or ideals. And as mentioned above, it also refers to someone who adds to the Word, takes away from the Word or even misrepresents or twists the Words of Almighty God.


Some Will Give Heed to Deceiving Spirits & Doctrines of Demons

Deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons have been around since the beginning of time. Whether we want to admit it or not, demons do exist and are well versed in Biblical doctrine. In fact, they know the words of the Bible better than any of us do. However, they twist and manipulate the Word of God in order to deceive.

The first demonic doctrine is found in Genesis chapter three where Satan appears to Eve as a serpent and twists the words of God. To this day, placing doubt in the hearts and mind of mankind is one of Satan’s main tactics. (To Learn More About Satan’s First Deception, Click Here).

We must remember who we are up against. Satan is described as a liar and the father of lies (John 8:44). This gives him an advantage in the spiritual battles we face because he has no alliance with the truth at all. Again, deception is key to Satan’s strategy of battle against us.


Deceiving Spirits

Deceiving spirits refer to the fallen angels that were kicked out of heaven with Satan. In Revelation 12:4 it tells us that with his tail “[Satan] drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth.” Here the word “stars” refers to the angelic beings that became demonic beings once they were forced out of heaven. These demons now wreak havoc upon the earth and in the lives of mankind by using lies and deceit.

The goal of demons is to deceive all of mankind and entice them to turn from the truth of God. They use powerful lies and deception to blind men and women into believing anything other than the truth. These deceiving spirits are those who inspire all the false doctrine that occurs within the church and in the use of other religions.


Doctrines of Demons

Doctrines of demons are the specific teachings of these deceiving spirits whose goal is to get people to accept the false teachings they are presented with. Ultimately, they want everyone to believe that Jesus Christ is NOT who the Bible says He is. Believing the doctrine of demons is very serious because it can lead to a departure from the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Evidence of the Doctrine of Demons

Paul outlines the evidence of church leaders who use the doctrines of demons starting in verse two of first Timothy chapter four.

(To Read About Three of the False Doctrines Taught in the Church Today, Click Here)

Speak Lies in Hypocrisy

This statement describes pastors and teachers who have obviously departed from the faith as evidenced by the following:

  1. They fail to speak the truth so that their sins or moral failings are justified.
  2. They claim to teach the Bible but cherry-pick or twist verses so that their personal beliefs are supported.
  3. They leave out important points of Biblical doctrine (like confronting sin) or they ignore God’s Words in order to back up their claims.
  4. They live their lives in direct opposition to what God requires of their position.
  5. They knowingly deal in falsehoods that lead others to abandon the faith.
How to Spot False Leaders in the Church
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Their Conscience is Seared

Pastors and teachers who are inspired by these deceiving spirits have seared consciences. First, they tell people what they want to hear. In other words, they tickle the ears of their congregants. Second, they tell people what they want them to hear, which equates to pushing their own agendas on others.

Without a conscience, spewing lies and falsehoods becomes second nature. Church leaders whose consciences have been affected lose all their integrity and cannot be trusted to speak the truth of God’s Word. In fact, many of them may replace the Word of God with the doctrine of social justice or political correctness. To them, Biblical truth does not matter or have any affect at all on their lives.


Teachings of False Leaders

In the verses we’ve highlighted, Paul gives two examples of the teachings of false leaders that were evident in his day. These two examples consisted of man-made rules that would supposedly make whoever follows them more holy in the eyes of God. However, this is NOT Biblical.

These teachings are designed to make us believe that IF we do them, we are sacrificing something for the Lord, and in return, He will OWE us something. Along with this being un-Biblical, it’s actually dangerous. We should never try to manipulate God into giving us something in return for what we’ve done. GOD is the LORD and He owes us NOTHING, regardless of what we may do “in His Name.” Holiness revolves around what Jesus sacrificed for us, not what we sacrifice for Him.

Even though Paul was writing about false church leaders in his day, there are some religions that still follow these rules today.


Forbidding to Marry & Abstaining from Foods

There are certain religions that do not allow their leaders to marry and others that require their followers to abstain from certain foods. In these instances, the false teachings are forbidding what God allows and what He calls good.

Religions that forbid marriage are going against the Word of God. In the Bible, God does not say that marriage is forbidden. In fact, God calls marriage “good.” In Proverbs 18:22 it says: “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.”  Those who teach that marriage is forbidden are pushing false doctrine.

God is an advocate for marriage. There are several verses of scripture that outline God’s view and expectations of marriage. (See Genesis 2:18, Matthew 19:6, 1 Corinthians 7, Ephesians 5:22-33) If marriage was forbidden by God, why would He spend so much time discussing it in His Word?

Another false teaching that Paul pointed out was instructing people to abstain from certain foods. Paul’s point in this verse is that God created all food to be “received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.” (1 Timothy 4:3) He goes on to say in verse four that “every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving.”

What this means is that if we are thankful and acknowledge that all of our food comes through the providence of God, enjoy it and be thankful for what God has provided. There are some religions that demand that their followers adhere to strict food regulations and that is not Biblical.


Final Thoughts

In addition to the things that Paul mentioned in 1 Timothy 4, there are many other forms of false teaching today. We have to be careful who we listen to when it comes to the Word of God. As stated above, if something doesn’t seem right or sound correct, open your Bible for confirmation. If your pastor or teacher is not teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ directly from the Word of God, find a new church.

Today, the battle between good and evil is heating up and many false leaders do exist in the church. Pray for God to bless you with wisdom and discernment when it comes to all church leaders. The Holy Spirit will reveal the truth if you only ask.



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