3 False Doctrines Taught in the Church Today

3 False Doctrines Taught in the Church Today November 1, 2024

Today, Christianity has become watered down. In many churches across the country the Gospel has been replaced with more palatable messages. Many pastors and teachers are proclaiming false doctrines as if they are Biblical, simply to engage their congregants and increase their revenues. Today we will discuss ways to recognize false doctrine, some reasons why people are drawn to false doctrine, and review three specific false doctrines that are taught regularly in churches today.

3 False Doctrines Taught in the Church Today
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Beware of False Doctrine

There are many false teachings today and they are happening within “churches” across the world. The Apostle John gives a warning that we need to take seriously: “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” (1 John 4:1).

As Christians it is our duty to “test the spirits” as John instructs. This means that when we listen to “Christian” messages we must compare them to the Word of God and make sure that the two align. If scripture is left out or added to, twisted or manipulated, then the teaching is false and must be avoided.


To Recognize False Doctrine, You Must Read Your Bible

According to the Barna Research, only 25% of Americans read their Bibles at least once a week. In contrast, 50% of Americans never read the Bible or only do so once or twice a year. (See graph below).

Those who say the Bible is “just a book of fiction” or not really the Word of God, have obviously never read it or know what it says. When this is the case, opinions should not be given. The fact is, the Bible IS indeed the Word of God and its authenticity as such has been proven time and time again.  (To Read More About the Bible’s Authenticity, Click Here).

Bible Use Frequency in the US
Chart from Barna.com 2021

If you are a Christian, it is imperative that you read your Bible daily. How will you be able to spot false doctrine if you don’t know what the Bible says? Remember, the Bible is GOD’S Word, written to us personally. We must know what it says in order to know the truth and recognize false teachings.

The Bible is one of the ways in which God speaks to us. It is our instruction book on how to live a godly life. I cannot stress enough the importance of being Biblically sound, especially in this world that is filled with false teachings.

(To Read More About the Benefits of Reading the Bible Everyday, Click Here).

Why Do People Listen to False Doctrine?

There are many reasons why people listen to and believe false doctrine. Paul tells us in 2 Timothy 4:3-4 that:

“The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth and be turned aside to fables.”

One of the reasons that people listen to false doctrine is that they are mesmerized by certain pastors and teachers. Their delivery of “doctrine” tickles their ears and contains messages that they want to hear.

(To Read More About False Leaders in the Church, Click Here).

So, false leaders in the church are one reason why people listen to false doctrine. Now let’s take a look at some other possible reasons why people false doctrine is popular.



People are Not Biblically Sound

3 False Doctrines that are Taught in the Church Today
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As mentioned above, many people just don’t know what the Bible says. Not everything that is labeled “spiritual” actually comes from the Bible or can be considered godly. Additionally, not everyone who claims to be a pastor or teacher is speaking the truth of God.

We must be biblically sound in order to recognize false teachings when we hear them. Paul tells us to “Test all things; hold fast what is good.” (1 Thessalonians 5:21). How do we do that? By reading and studying God’s Word – over and over again.



False Doctrine Makes People Feel Good

The main reason why people are drawn to false doctrine is that they are looking to fill their own desires. In other words, people want to hear what makes them feel good. It doesn’t matter if what they are hearing is the truth or not, if it sounds good or makes them feel good, they take it all in.

The truth is, God’s Word doesn’t always make us feel good. The Bible lists the standards that God sets and sometimes we fall short. Honestly, most times we fall short. The Bible is like a mirror. When we read the expectations that God has set for living a godly life, we know that we can never meet them on our own. This fact makes us look at and recognize just how sinful we really are. People have a hard time admitting their shortcomings, so hearing false doctrine saves them from acknowledging their sinful nature.

(To Read More About Our Sin Nature, Click Here).


False Teachers are Convincing

Another reason why people listen to and believe false doctrine is because the pastors and teachers who spew the false doctrine are very good at what they do. Most false teachers are very gifted at speaking. They are often entertaining and have great personalities that others are drawn to. In essence, it doesn’t really matter what they are saying because they are so good at communicating that people want to hear what they have to say.

Jesus warns in Matthew 7:15 to “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.” These false teachers appear to be harmless but in reality, they are detrimental to the Christian faith and the lives of their followers based on the doctrine they are teaching.


People Don’t Want to Be Held Accountable

Today, personal accountability is often rejected. We live in a society that plays the blame game rather than acknowledging our faults and accepting the consequences of our actions. False teachers often push the message that we are all good enough and deserving of better than what we have. They also want people to believe that everyone is a victim of circumstance and that it’s not our fault.

The truth is, we are all accountable to someone – especially the Lord. We are born sinners who need a Savior. No, we are not perfect, but we have been given free will to make choices and sometimes, the choices we make are bad ones. If you are listening to a pastor or teacher who does not address sin or how to be forgiven of our sins, he or she is not following the Word of God.


Evidence of False Pastors/Teachers

To identify false pastors or teachers you must have a working knowledge of the Bible as I previously stated, but you must also be aware of signs to look for.(To Read More About False Leaders in the Church, Click Here).

One important verse of scripture regarding false teachers is found in 1 John 4:2-3 which says:

“By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.”

According to the Apostle John, a good rule of thumb is that if the pastor or teacher that you are listening to denies the deity of Christ of does not preach the Gospel as written, is NOT a Christian and should be called out and avoided. In fact, they are teaching through the spirit of Antichrist and are working on behalf of Satan.


False Doctrine Being Taught Today

Works-Based Salvation

Works-based salvation insinuates that what we do in our lives can earn us a place in Heaven. The truth is you cannot work your way into Heaven. God gives us eternal life through Jesus Christ and that gift is FREE. This doctrine is false for many reasons.

First, works-based salvation negates the work of Jesus on the cross. Jesus paid our sin debt in full. Salvation comes through our acknowledgement of what Jesus did for us, not what we do for the Kingdom of Heaven. Second, this doctrine undermines the message of the Gospel. Works-based salvation is a “JESUS PLUS WORKS” message, meaning we get to heaven through Jesus PLUS our works.

(To Learn More About the Free Gift of Salvation, Click Here)

Paul confirms that salvation through works is not Biblical in Romans 10:9-10:

“If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

If you are being taught that you must work your way into heaven or that Jesus is not enough, you are falling prey to a false doctrine.


Prosperity Gospel

The Prosperity Gospel is also known as the “Word of Faith” or “Name it and Claim It” movements. This movement teaches that believers can overcome any obstacles, like poverty or illness, through faith and positive affirmations. Simply stated, this teaching falsely assures that God is like a genie who grants all your wishes if you just believe hard enough and have enough faith that what you are praying for will happen. Also, Prosperity Gospel teachers many times claim that if your prayers are not being answered, it’s because you are not tithing enough money.

The problem with the Prosperity Gospel is that it reduces faith to an instrument that is used only for personal increase or gain. At the same time, it minimizes a relationship with God that is supposed to be built on hope and trust, no matter what we may face.

This false teaching does not account for unanswered prayers or the will of God. What happens when God does not bless you with the things that you’ve claimed and believed for? What if whatever you’re praying for, like illnesses, seems to continue without relief? The result is decreased faith, increased doubt and the possibility of turning away from the Lord all together. Prosperity Gospel teachers may say some true things, but the false doctrine they build on top of these truths can be very dangerous.

There are several verses of scripture that prove the Prosperity Gospel is a false teaching. James 1:9-11 is one of them:

“Let the lowly brother glory in his exaltation, but the rich in his humiliation, because as a flower of the field he will pass away. For no sooner has the sun risen with a burning heat than it withers the grass; its flower falls, and its beautiful appearance perishes. So, the rich man also will fade away in his pursuits.”

As Christians, you WILL face trials and tribulations. You may NOT get everything you pray for or “name and claim.” The Prosperity Gospel is false doctrine and should never be given any attention whatsoever. Other verses that prove the false message of the Prosperity Gospel are Matthew 6:19-21, Romans 8:17, 1 Peter 4:19, James 4:3.



The Hyper-Grace movement is a new form of “Christian” teaching that highlights the grace of God so much so, that the need for confession and repentance of sin are excluded. Those that teach hyper-grace emphasize that because our sins – past, present and future – have already been forgiven, there is no need for confession or repentance.

To clarify, yes, the Bible does tell us that the past sins of believers are forgiven (Romans 3:25), present sins are forgiven (Acts 10:43) and our future sins are forgiven (Colossians 2:11-15). However, just because we are forgiven doesn’t mean that we will never sin again. We still live in our fleshly bodies and until we make it to Heaven, sin will always be a struggle. Even the Apostle Paul wrote about his struggles with sin (See Romans 7:18-20).

Hyper-grace teachers believe that when God looks at us, He only sees the righteousness and holiness we receive through faith in Jesus Christ. In addition, their beliefs infer that the Holy Spirit will never convict believers of their sins because according to their teachings, there is no sin to convict.

Some of what they teach does align with scripture, however, this movement is dangerous because it ignores much of what the Bible says and only focuses on what fits their narrative. In addition, it gives their followers the green light to behave in any way they see fit because they believe that their sins are already forgiven. It ultimately approves of “anything goes.”

Final Thoughts

False Doctrine Taught in the Church
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This article only highlights three false doctrines being taught in the Church today, however, there are many more. Just remember, the focus of God’s Word should always be on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If this is not the message you are hearing, turn away.


From Genesis to Revelation, we read about God’s loving plan of redemption for all of mankind. In fact, the entire Bible points to the coming of the Messiah, His subsequent ministry and future return.

God gave us Jesus in order that we may be saved. If your pastor or any teachers you follow spread messages of salvation through works, the prosperity gospel, or hyper-grace they are leading you astray.


If you are unsure of the teachings you’re listening to, go to the Word of God and confirm the messages. Also, pray for God to give you wisdom and discernment where His truth versus false doctrine is concerned. Also, if something just doesn’t feel right about the message you’re hearing, trust the “check” in your spirit.



I’d love to hear your thoughts! Please feel free to share your insights, experiences or questions in the comments section at the bottom of the page.

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