CT Movies getting something other than rage mail

CT Movies getting something other than rage mail March 16, 2005

Hooray! More who see the point and appreciate the efforts of Mark Moring and company at CT Movies!

Finally, a Christian movie website that makes sense — educated and well informed. I am a movie buff, a strong Christian and someone quite frankly who was so tired of reading Christian movie reviews that basically said I was going to “pay” if I saw a movie that might have the F-word in it. I’ve added your site to my favorites list and will frequent it quite often. Kevin

And now you’re on my favorites list, Kevin!

I always wonder why movie companies feel they have to have a story plot that pleases both the adults viewing the movie and the children. Having said that, would it be so terrible for adults to just take a couple of hours out of their “I’m so busy” day for a movie with a kidthey love, and not feel like it was a waste of their time? Should it matter if the adults didn’t like the movie? Lori

Lori, I see your point. Certainly, we shouldn’t demand that kids entertainment pander to adult interests. My parents didn’t sit around and watch Sesame Stree all the time with me, and I don’t blame them.

HOWEVER, I don’t think that any filmmakers … or moviegoers… should compromise quality just because it’s a movie for kids. If a movie doesn’t stand up to high standards of good craftsmanship or good storytelling, it shouldn’t be shown to anybody, especially children, who are impressionable and who learn and develop their own standards based on what they’re exposed to. Nobody would say, “This food is full of unhealthy ingredients. I won’t touch the stuff, but I will give it to my kids.”

In my experience, the best entertainment and art that is intended for children usually has something in it worthwhile for adults as well. Consider The Muppet Show, which was so well done, and which dazzled and entertained viewers of all ages. Consider Pixar’s films, which have as many adult fans as they do child fans. Consider A.A. Milne’s Pooh stories, or C.S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia. I still keep a collection of Dr. Seuss around, and I’m not ashamed to say so.

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