A familiar debate: Christians and movies. But this is happening in Hong Kong!

A familiar debate: Christians and movies. But this is happening in Hong Kong! April 8, 2005

“Christianity has just begun its move into [popular] culture here,” says Pastor Enoch Lam. “The hostility and the misunderstanding have softened – but a lot of people have very sensitive nerves.”

The story’s in Weekend Standard, “China’s Business Newspaper.”

… Just as born-again fervor gripped Hollywood in the form of Mel Gibson’s visceral – and very profitable – The Passion of the Christ, Hong Kong has its own unlikely box office hit with The Days of Noah, a film about close encounters of the supernatural kind during a search for Noah’s Ark on Mount Ararat in Turkey. Made by two Hong Kong evangelicals, Andrew Yuen and Yeung Wing-cheung, it was produced by a local group called Media Evangelism and distributed by Golden Scene with support from local churches and schools. Its aim is to convert people to Christianity.

Claiming to be the first locally made large-scale documentary – and an evangelical one at that – Noah has set Hong Kong box office records alight. Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11 was screened at seven cinemas last year, Noah is shown six times a day in 27 mainstream theaters.

Wow. I had no idea this kind of thing was going on in Hong Kong.

I wonder if Hong Kong has Christian film critics. I’d love to read the Hong Kong equivalent of Steven Greydanus or Peter Chattaway!

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