Become the Man of Your Wife’s Dreams by Being a Committed Father

Become the Man of Your Wife’s Dreams by Being a Committed Father May 15, 2019

It takes sacrificial love to go to the park with the family at the end of the week, or to spend your Saturday teaching your son to ride his bike instead of hanging out with your friends. Oh, but as you do, look back over your shoulder and see if you can’t spot your wife watching from the window, smiling as you and your children play. If you want to be the man of your wife’s dreams, you need to make a family commitment. Happy Father’s Day!

A survey was done of boys before Father’s Day. The surveyors asked what the most important things about a father were. The answers were things like, he plays catch with me. He shows me his work. He takes me on errands with him. Every single answer in the top ten had to do with a father spending time with his son. It is all about a coming together. It didn’t matter whether they went to Dorney Park or the Car Parts store, it mattered they went together.

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