June 4, 2019

This is the true story of a dad who learned a hard lesson about how important his relationship to his children was. This father was a bright, innovative young EXECUTIVE who quickly climbed the corporate ladder of SUCCESS. He, along with his wife and two boys, lived in a nice (more…) Read more

June 3, 2019

My son and I both got stung by jellyfish on our vacation. As usual, I try to find the teaching behind every circumstance and this was a good opportunity to teach my son a spiritual truth! Did you know that a jellyfish can’t swim? It just floats along in the sea, catching food in the long thread-like “legs” that trail behind it. Since it can only float, the jellyfish has to go wherever the current takes it. And sometimes the current takes... Read more

May 31, 2019

I’ve enjoyed sharing a variety of common interests with my dad throughout my life. One of my favorite bonds has been related to music and singing. It started at a very early age. My parents tell a story of a time when dad was practicing a solo he had coming up at church, which was a common occurrence in our home. This particular instance, though, included my 2-year-old-self mimicking him throughout the house, singing “Jesus, Jesus, the sweetest name I... Read more

May 30, 2019

Manly Father 101 – Fatherly Assurance If you are a Father, you must learn to assure your children that your love for them is immutable and unconditional! Assure your children that you will always love them no matter what! An Unforgettable day with dad The children were well-behaved, all of them standing in line, two-by-two behind their parents, holding hands. They were excitedly jabbering about the clowns, elephants, and other acts they would see that night. One could sense they... Read more

May 29, 2019

It seems that for most of my life, I’ve had to fight for things, and this stems from my father. He stood for what was right for three hearing impaired children in a public school. Even though the school was not adequately equipped to handle disabled children, Dad fought for us to remain and face the challenges that lie ahead. His involvement, along with my mother’s, instilled a quit in me that has never ceased. I hear his word echo... Read more

May 28, 2019

I must warn you that there will be many times you’ll have no clue what to do. But you still have to pretend you are in control. Like when your three-year old melts down at the grocery store. What do you do? Don’t Freak out! Listen to today’s episode and find out. (more…) Read more

May 27, 2019

What I Learned from My Dad – Remembering Dad’s Sacrifices for Me. My Dad, Herbert Holland, went to work at the Viscose in Parkersburg, West Virginia in February of 1942. The company manufactured rayon and employed about three-thousand people during World War II. I was very happy Dad got the job. He had been working for the WPA building roads. WPA was an acronym for the Works Progress Administration which was renamed in 1939 as the Work Projects Administration. The... Read more

May 24, 2019

Edmund Burke is quoted as saying, “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” If all we need to do, as “good men”, is something, then, how much more does it take for us to become ‘great’ men. I argue that it takes doing something intentionally. When I entered the workforce, I was determined not to become a slave to my career. I made an intentional decision to be home for dinner with the... Read more

May 23, 2019

BEING A DADDY BY DESIGN In Genesis chapter 1 and verse 1 we read “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Yes, In the beginning God created. He created the heavens and the earth and He created the light and then separated it from the darkness. Then, He created an expanse between the waters and called it “sky”. He created dry land and then He had the waters under the sky gather into one place. God had... Read more

May 22, 2019

What our fathers were help shape us today. The influence of these things are too hard to count and impact us and our children. My father was a lot of things and those things have taught me many lessons that have helped me in the path I’m on now. My father was raised by the Greatest Generation. His parents were raised during the Great Depression, a time when hard work is what got you food on the table. They turned... Read more

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