Somebody pass me the chalk, there’s sensitive college students to offend

Somebody pass me the chalk, there’s sensitive college students to offend April 5, 2016

When I first heard about the Emory University chalking “incident” where students were offended by reading “Trump 2016” written on the sidewalk, my first thought wasn’t, “Oh, those poor victims,” it was, “Where can I get some chalk?”

It’s not because I support Donald Trump — I don’t. But witnessing an all-out rebellion against free speech on American college campuses makes me want to taunt the Cry Bullies and if that means writing a pro-Trump message just to drive them crazy, then so be it.

It is truly frightening to witness how fast college students are willing to surrender the fundamental rights guaranteed to them in our founding documents. Five years ago, if you had told me there was a serious movement afoot that had a good chance to silence free speech in America, I’d have said you’re paranoid. But that’s exactly what is happening and I’m scared there is no way to stop it.

Forty percent of college students now say that “sensitivity” and “feelings” take precedence over the First Amendment because… well, it must be that they’ve never studied Western Civ. But whatever their reasoning, this madness has to stop.

If seeing something as simple as “Trump 2016” chalked onto a piece of public concrete is traumatizing to these extra-sensitive college students, then perhaps it’s time to outlaw chalk.


The Chalkening . . . MT @LeeWayneRyder Not a trump fan but support free speech & Americans right to such.

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