Kids sing the National Anthem At 9/11 Memorial, until security guards did this to stop them!

Kids sing the National Anthem At 9/11 Memorial, until security guards did this to stop them! May 7, 2016

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How much does it cost for a child to sing the National Anthem at the 9/11 Memorial these days? Apparently $35, a lecture from an aggressive security guard, and the erosion of core constitutional rights.

That is the harsh lesson that a group of middle school children from North Carolina learned when they visited the 9/11 Memorial.

The Federalist explains:

A group of schoolchildren from a North Carolina middle school were singing the national anthem during a visit in April to the 9/11 memorial. Halfway through the song, the group was abruptly stopped by a pair of security guards and told to be shut up.

“You just can’t do this,” a security guard barked at the schoolchildren. “You’ve got to stop now.”

In response, Martha Brown, a teacher from the school who was leading the choir, apologized after a male security guard got in her face.

Watch the altercation for yourself:

Click here to see it on Facebook.

The teacher and principal went on to say that this experience taught the children a good lesson in respecting authority.

Really?  I think it taught the children that their freedom of expression – which is supposed to be protected by the Constitution – has been eroded to the point that even a respectful rendition of the National Anthem meant to honor fallen Americans is subject to the whims of the security guards at this memorial.  How ridiculous is it that this museum meant to memorialize the sacrifices of our fellow Americans on 9/11 requires a $35 permit for our children to sing at the memorial? It is outrageous.

What a tragic lesson for our children to have to learn.

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