Pizza Hut employee used personal handgun to stop armed robbery

Pizza Hut employee used personal handgun to stop armed robbery November 1, 2016

A Pizza Hut restaurant in Charlotte, North Carolina has an employee to thank for not only stopping an armed robbery at the location but for taking out a bad guy who would have gone on to terrorize other citizens.

According to CBS News, the attempted robbery happened just before 2 a.m. on Sunday morning near Interstate 85 in west Charlotte. Three armed men entered the closed store and began robbing the place but were met by an employee who used his personal handgun to shoot and kill one of the robbers later identified as 28-year-old Michael Renard Grace. The two other thieves ran away and have yet to be caught. The dead suspect’s gun was recovered by police at the scene.

Pizza Hut corporate released a statement in full support of the local franchisee and said: “the security of its staff is of the utmost concern.” The employee was placed on a leave of absence pending further review.

Here’s another idea: throw him a giant thank-you party. It’s Americans like him who under the full authority of the Constitution defend property and their safety by removing an armed criminal from society so he can’t hurt somebody else. Perhaps a raise or a bonus is in order since the robbers didn’t make away with any cash. I imagine the employee needs a couple of days to process the seriousness of what happened, but a giant “welcome back” check should be waiting upon his return.

There’s no better case for the Second Amendment than a story like this.

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