5 times Senate Democrats embarrassed themselves during the Gorsuch judicial hearings

5 times Senate Democrats embarrassed themselves during the Gorsuch judicial hearings March 23, 2017

3. Sen. Feinstein tried to bait Gorsuch into pre-judging a hypothetical case on abortion

It’s obvious Feinstein would prefer someone other than Gorsuch in the Supreme Court. Let’s just say, probably, Merrick Garland. That’s because she doesn’t like Gorsuch’s view of abortion:

“President Trump repeatedly promised that his judicial nominees would be pro-life, and automatically overturn Roe v. Wade. Judge Gorsuch has not had occasion to rule directly on a case involving Roe. However, his writings do raise questions. Specifically, he wrote that he believes there are no exceptions to the principle that ‘the intentional taking of a human life by private persons is always wrong.’ This language has been interpreted by both pro-life and pro-choice organizations to mean he would overturn Roe.”

So, she tried to bait him into a judgment on a hypothetical — namely, can Roe v. Wade, a “super precedent” in her view, ever be overturned? He set her straight on even asking such a question.

“It has been reaffirmed many times, I can say that,” Gorsuch said. “I have offered no promises on how I’d rule, in any case, to anyone and I don’t think it’s appropriate for a judge to do so.”

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