Watch this kid brilliantly troll CNN’s live coverage at the White House Easter Egg Roll

Watch this kid brilliantly troll CNN’s live coverage at the White House Easter Egg Roll April 18, 2017

Screen cap from video
Screen cap from video

You’ve got to give them credit. Kids are honest. But CNN wasn’t expecting honesty on an expert level such as this.

At Monday’s White House Easter Egg Roll, CNN’s Jim Acosta was on location giving a live report when his shot was interrupted by something in the background. A young boy managed to get himself into the frame from behind Acosta, point at him, and mouth the words, “fake news” — not once, but twice. It was brilliant.

In fact, it was probably the most honest moment ever to happen on CNN. It’s good to see little patriots running around the White House.

Click CONTINUE to see the glorious footage, via Newsbusters:

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