How the ‘Deep State’ Threatens to Bring Down President Trump

How the ‘Deep State’ Threatens to Bring Down President Trump June 2, 2017


In 2017, the “Deep State” threatens to bring down President Donald Trump’s administration and every other administration that doesn’t comply to an undefined liberal agenda. It’s hidden within the bowels of the bloated federal government, promotes lies, and pushes the liberal agenda into every single aspect of the federal government. The Wall Street Journal’s Kimberley A. Strassel described the “Deep State” by many names: “The administrative state. The entrenched governing elite. Lois Lerner. The federal bureaucracy.” But the bottom line, she writes, is that “this cadre of federal employees, accountable to no one” and is “actively working from within to thwart Donald Trump’s agenda.”

Need an example? There’s none more frightening than the EPA post called “Scientific Integrity Official.” Yeah, that’s a thing, though most Americans haven’t heard about it. Nor do they recognize the name Francesca Grifo. According to Strassel, she’s a radical leftist who’s complained about Republican “political appointees” and “industry lobbyists” who “manipulated” scientific data on issues like “mercury pollution to groundwater contamination to climate science.” Grifo being appointed to this position is a legacy of Barack Obama, who promised to “restore science to its rightful place.”

He was referring to the liberal assumption that conservatives are anti-science. However, in the ensuing years, liberals started calling Bruce Jenner a woman in denial of the clear and long settled science of chromosomes and gender. So now conservatives refuse to be lectured about our lack of scientific understanding for another second. Not one more.

Grifo has a high level job with civil service protection – meaning, unlike the rest of America, she can’t be fired. Her only job is to fulfill Barack Obama’s goal of silencing and harassing conservatives who don’t bow to the gods of global warming and snake oil. Her responsibilities include rooting “out all these meddlesome science deniers,” heading up the Scientific Integrity Committee, and keeping track of any infractions. She recently summoned over forty liberal activists so they can to develop “future plans for scientific integrity” at the EPA. In other words, this radical invited radical leftists to help her figure out how to resist an administration for whom she ostensibly works.  But, since she can’t be fired, she can undermine the President, and laugh if he wants to do something about it. This is terrifying.

Strassel described her as a “bureaucrat with the authority to define science and shut down those who disagreed, and she could not be easily fired, even under a new administration.” This is the real game of the left, revealed.  This means elections truly won’t matter. Here’s why. In March, the Sierra Club – yes, an organization whose motto is (no joke) “Protect Our Planet from Trump” — demanded an investigation into newly minted EPA Director, Scott Pruitt’s suggestion that carbon dioxide might not cause global warming. Guess who will be in charge of the “investigation?” You got it. Now, the EPA chief who was appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate is under the thumb of Grifo. That’s why elections don’t matter – the powerful Deep State is there to stay.

Here’s what President Trump should do.  He may not be able to fire Grifo, but he can remove all of her responsibility and authority.  As a taxpayer, I’m fine if he continues to pay her, as long as he removes any and all support staff, removes her office phone, and sends her a daily UPS truck-load of paper to review. Why not start with assigning her the task of evaluating every EPA regulation ever issued and tell her to summarize all she’s read, why each regulation is so important, backed by personal interviews of all business people affected by such regulations. That ought to keep her busy for a while.

It may sound like I’m being hard on Grifo, and it’s true. But she’s just one example of a cancer that exists everywhere throughout the federal government. These Deep State representatives have no respect for representative government, believe they know better than we do, have disdain for the American people, disrespect for our history, hate our country, and hate conservatives. They need to be identified, isolated, and neutralized whether or not they can be fired.  But that’s something that the President needs to do. What can average Americans do?

Actually, quite a bit.

Our Founding Fathers envisioned a day when the government would get nasty and vindictive. That’s why they added the second clause of Article V in the U.S. Constitution, which gives us the power to eliminate the evil brewing in the governmental shadows by restricting their power. And, we can do it without permission of the President or of Congress. Now that’s the kind of remedy we need today.

In a time when Republicans are still fractured over a contentious Presidential campaign season, we should all be able to unite against the unelected bureaucrats getting marching orders from leftist organizations and wielding power over our official. We must act now, before the Deep State brings down this President and any other we manage to elect in the future.

Image Credit: Pixabay

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