Interesting Essay On Irenaeus and the Development of Doctrine

Interesting Essay On Irenaeus and the Development of Doctrine February 26, 2009

over at Mike Liccione’s blog.

I agree with Mike that the claim Irenaeus opposes the development of doctrine doesn’t hold up. He opposes mutation or plants that spring from seed not planted by the apostles. But about the growth of the mustard seed itself he has not a word to say in opposition.

I’ll discuss this question of development of doctrine at length in Mary, Mother of the Son, Volume I: Modern Myths and Ancient Truth since, after all, one of the principle prima facie difficulties with Marian doctrine is the question: “If the Immaculate Conception and Assumption of Mary are ‘apostolic teaching’ then where the blazes are these teachings in Scripture and why were they not made dogmas till 1854 and 1950, respectively?” To get at them, we need to understand what “development of doctrine” does and does not mean.

It’ll be fun! You’ll enjoy it!

Have I mentioned that pre-orders for the whole trilogy are now being taken?

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