A reader writes from Kuwait

A reader writes from Kuwait June 23, 2009

Please pray for my husband to find a good job soon and start working from the 1st of next month, its been almost 5 months he is jobless.

Father, give your son work so that he may provide for his family and do your will in the world through Jesus Christ. Father Joseph and Mother Mary, pray for them.

By the way, as a sign of hope, let me add this note I just got this morning:

I just wanted to say ‘thanks’ for putting my prayer request up on your site. I see that you’re pretty much becoming Prayer Request Central, and you should know that it seems to be working. Since I asked for prayers regarding my layoff, the little side business I was relying on has gotten to the point where I just have too much work to handle. It’s a moving business, and it’s exhausting, but it means that while my body holds out I’m able to feed, clothe and shelter my family. My 15-month-old son shows a shocking insensitivity to my hard work and continues to defile many, many diapers, but at least I can provide plenty of fresh ones.

Thanks be to God!

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