Robed Master to Parents: You’re too religious, so you can’t homeschool your kid

Robed Master to Parents: You’re too religious, so you can’t homeschool your kid August 27, 2009

Although the marital master making recommendations to the court agreed the child is “well liked, social and interactive with her peers, academically promising, and intellectually at or superior to grade level” and that “it is clear that the home schooling…has more than kept up with the academic requirements of the…public school system,” he nonetheless proposed that the Christian girl be ordered into a government-run school after considering “the impact of [her religious] beliefs on her interaction with others.”

This is religious bigotry, pure and simple. The homeschooling is meeting state requirements. It’s just that the judge decided that he disliked her religious beliefs and wanted to experiment on her by sticking her in a state school.

I pray the kid becomes a vibrant apostle to her fellow students. That would be hilarious!

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