When an article begins with a great fat self-contradictory lie like…

When an article begins with a great fat self-contradictory lie like… August 17, 2009

America is not a Christian nation. We are, it is true, a nation founded by Christians, and according to a 2008 survey, 76 percent of us continue to identify as Christian….

You know that whatever follows is going to be a compound of half-truths, wishful thinking, and shallow trendiness.

Lisa Miller seldom disappoints.

Look: I’m aware that America is not a confessional state. I’m aware the Christianity is in decline in our culture. But the fact remains that culturally and sociologically, American is the most bloody obviously Christian nation on the planet. When 3/4s of your citizens self-identify as “Christian” you live in a Christian nation, Lisa, whether you like it or not. Pointing to a few commonalities between Hinduism and pop religious ideas doesn’t make that fact go away.

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