John Carney on the Thing That Used to Be Conservatism

John Carney on the Thing That Used to Be Conservatism November 3, 2009

Time was when “criticism of liberalism was subject to the standards of good literature and the demands of logic, with stalwarts like Albert J. Nock, T.S. Eliot, and Richard M. Weaver at the helm,” nowadays, “conservative offerings come with diagrams of farting cows—bless Glenn Beck” — Party Favors. The author continues:

No one is likely to have his worldview rocked by Sean Hannity’s Deliver Us From Evil or his political eyes opened by Michelle Malkin’s Unhinged. Laura Ingraham’s Shut Up and Sing slides easily down the memory hole. But permanence isn’t their intent. Conservatism has shifted from a modest cast of mind to a playground contest of insults. Millions can play along.

HT: Western Confucian

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