Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests January 8, 2010

A reader writes:

A prayer request please, for the peaceful repose of the soul of Helen Oesterle’s mother who passed away recently, and for the grieving family.

Also, reader Del Sydebothom writes:

Beth and I, along with Brennon, have survived a horrendous accident. All of us are alive, but Beth and I are pretty bad off right now. I am blind in my left eye, and am suffering from a hemorrhage in it. I also have a fracture beneath my left eye. Most of my toes in my left foot are broken.

Beth has a bad bump on her head, and is having trouble remembering things; she can’t remember the accident, and is having trouble remembering where she is. Here cheek bone is broken, and she has cuts all over her face.

Thankfully, Brennon is without injury! We have to thank his guardian angel for that!

Please pray for us, especially Beth; I will be heart-broken if she loses her ability to remember things.

My in-laws are taking care of the baby right now.. Pax!

Finally, a reader writes:

Please ask your readers to pray for my old neighbors, Bill and Virginia Foote. Bill was hit in the head by a passing car and left for dead on the highway. Officials suspect it was a hit and run. Bill has sustained massive head trauma, has undergone multiple brain surgeries, and shows signs of significant brain damage. A miracle is needed.

Father, grant strength and healing throough Jesus Christ to everybody involved in these trials and let them issue in glory to your Name and gratitude and wonder in their lives. Mother Mary, pray for them!

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