A reader writes

A reader writes February 24, 2010

As a resident of the Diocese of Fresno, I keep a casual eye on Fr. Geoff Farrow. You may recall that this pastor of the local Newman Center came-out of the closet and against CA Prop. 8 on TV in 2008, was promptly removed from ministry, and has gone around promoting gay behavior ever since. I just wanted to pass along that he and some other notable gay activists (including a rep from the anti-religious People for the American Way) are organizing yet another national Catholic dissent group, apparently to be called “Catholics for Equality.”

Here are the relevant links and misguided commentary. The latter link has details about their organization meeting and members.



Perhaps you can call some attention to this attack on our Faith, or take other appropriate action.

I’m doubtful there’s much in the way of action to take. The guy’s already been taken out of ministry. Now he’s just another dissenting Catholic with a website. He retains his free speech rights and we retain our freedom to ignore him and rebut him.

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