Fr. Rob Johansen’s mom needs your help if you live in or near Orlando

Fr. Rob Johansen’s mom needs your help if you live in or near Orlando March 23, 2010

He writes:

I need your help, or more accurately, my mom needs help. NOT financially, but with packing up for a move. My mom needs to move by April 1. She is disabled, and does not have the means to hire people to do this.

My mom lives in Deland, Florida, which is near Orlando, so I am looking for some helpful people in the Orlando area who can give an afternoon or evening to help my mom pack her belongings. We have some people who can actually do the move itself, but it is in the packing that we need help, as my mom’s disability means she can’t do a lot of that.

We’ve tried local social service agencies, her parish, and the local K of C, and have come up with nothing thus far.

If any readers in the Orlando, Florida area can help, or offer other ideas or avenues for help, please check my blog, Thrown Back for more

Or they can just e-mail me: frrob AT earthlink DOT net

Update: Fr. Rob writes:

Thanks for posting my bleg yesterday.

I got some good news: I spoke to a gentleman at my Mom’s parish who will be coordinating some help for my Mom, through the K of C and other parishioners.

So it looks like my Mom is going to get the help she needs.

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