Let’s ask him to pray for the conversion of Richard Cheney, Marc Thiessen, and Raymond Arroyo

Let’s ask him to pray for the conversion of Richard Cheney, Marc Thiessen, and Raymond Arroyo March 2, 2010

A reader writes:

I think those of us in the “torture is intrinsically evil” camp need an intercessor for our message. I’m not sure if you ever came across this incident during the Spanish American War where our soldiers tortured and ultimately killed a priest by the name of Fr. Agustín de la Peña by waterboarding (aka, the “water cure”) There’s not too much written about it, but here are a few articles.

New York Times, 1903

A book written by the Jesuit Fr. John Schumacher

Also, from a Phillipine newspaper

Fr. Agustín de la Peña, pray for us!

Those subversive liberal priests will do anything–even die–to make it look like waterboarding is torture.

Fr. Agustin, pray for our country. We don’t deserve it after what we did to you, but I’m told that forgiveness of murderers is something martyrs are good at.

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