Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests April 29, 2010

A reader writes:

I’d like to submit a prayer request for a priest of my acquaintance, who is undergoing a crisis of vocation right now. He’s been the instrument of several blessings in my family’s life, and I hope that he’s able to truly discern what God wants for his life.

Father, hear our prayer for your son and servant that he would be enabled to remain faithful to his vows and that you would pour out upon him peace, grace, and consolation so that he could find himself and his his life in your calling. We ask this through Jesus Christ. Mother Mary, pray for your son through Jesus Christ!

Another reader writes:

My nephew and his girlfriend recently gave birth to their son, Carter, on April 5th. Since he was 3 weeks early and 6# 10 oz, they considered him premature, not to mention, he had jaundice. Carter’s mother has lupus and has to go back on her medication soon and will likely have to quit nursing. Carter was diagnosed with a double hernia, which needs to be operated on. That surgery is for tomorrow. Since he is a premature infant, there is a risk that the medication will be to much for him and he could stop breathing.

Please pray for Carter to do well tomorrow. Please pray for the surgery team to have a good day. Please also pray for these young parents of Carter, to make good decisions and be a support to one another. Please pray for them to completely trust in the Lord, and entrust their child into His hands. Pray that the Lord will give them a deep sense of peace and security in His incredible love and care for Carter and for them.

Thank you, so much! I will update you as I find out how the surgery and recovery goes. He will be at Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane and with a name like that, you can’t help but be encouraged, eh?

Father, hear our prayer through your Son Jesus Christ that all this will be done for Carter and his family. Mother Mary and St. Luke, pray for all involved!

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