Today’s Political Absurdities

Today’s Political Absurdities September 20, 2010

As Obama hesitates to offend his fellow lefties by mentioning even the tepid Jeffersonian attribution of human rights to “Nature’s god” his once rabid disciples are disappearing from the ranks faster than Haley Joel Osment’s sweaty palmprints off a tabletop after the apparition of a ghost.

To quote a famous line: It’s the economy, stupid. (It’s also a war in which we have sunk vast quantities of blood and treasure for no good end.)

Meanwhile, the party that got the whole debacle going before entrusting the disaster into the hand of incompetent statists, send out a bulletin to the faithful via the Manhattan Declaration apparatus: “Republicans to reclaim marriage and life issues on their agenda!”

No. Seriously. That’s what it says. Now, for years, I’ve been pleaded with, rebuked, warned, cajoled and threatened that if I *really* care about family and life issues, there was one and only party that was clearly about marriage and life. That would be the party of Limbaugh (married four times) and Gingrich (married three times) and McCain (married twice, if memory serves). And don’t even let’s get started on the awesome commitment to life issues. Pro-ESCR, with an impressive list of Supreme Court Justices like Blackmun (author of Roe v. Wade), O’Connor, Kennedy and Souter, not to mention the nomination of Harriet Miers and the confirmation of Roberts and Alito, who are on record as saying Roe is “settled law”. Yes, the GOP, which phones it in every Roe v. Wad Day and rallies prolifers to the support of torture and insane wars of choice–the party that has succeeded in maintaining America at sub-Carthagian levels of respect for human life while waging a successful campaign to transform pro-life conservative rank and file Christians into gung-ho consequentialists–is “reclaiming” marriage and life issues.

Now “reclaiming” can only mean one thing: that this same party has, at some vague time in the past” *abandoned* these issues. Yet this party has *never* admitted abandoning these issues. It has steadfastly told prolifers that they were the only game in town and that if prolifers did not vote for them they were doomed! DOOMED I tell you! as a force in American politics.

So my question to the GOP is simple: Are you lying now or were you lying then? If you lied then, why should any sane person trust you now? If you are lying now, see the previous question.

I will continue to vote for doomed quixotic candidates who do not ask me to support grave and intrinsic evil. Also, liars are something to avoid too.

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